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  • Why partnerships for development?
  • In which context do partnerships operate?
  • What are partnerships?
  • How to make partnerships work?
  • Authors
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  • Stöteler, I. (Ismaela)
  • Reeder, S. (Sabine)
  • Van Tulder, R. (Rob)
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
A cross-sector partnership is a collaborative effort in which parties from different societal sectors pool resources to provide solutions to (perceived) common problems. These partnerships are often rather complex because of a number of reasons: (1) they address complex issues, (2) they are…
Cross-Sector Partnership Formation cover
  • Drost, S. (Sarah)
  • Van Wijk, J.C.A.C. (Jeroen)
  • Mandefro, F. (Fenta)
Thursday, 1 March 2012
This paper explores the black box of value chain partnerships, by showing how these partnerships can facilitate institutional change that is needed to include smallholder producers and small-and medium sized enterprises into (global) food value chains. It draws on agricultural value chain…
Key conditions for successful value chain partnerships cover
  • Pinkse, J. (Jonatan)
  • Kolk, A. (Ans)
Thursday, 1 March 2012
While calls are being made to deal with the linkages between climate change and sustainable development to arrive at an integrated policy, concrete steps in this direction have been very limited so far. One of the possible instruments through which both issues may be approached simultaneously is a…
Addressing the climate change-sustainable development nexus: The role of multistakeholder partnerships cover
  • Drost, S. (Sarah)
  • Van Wijk, J.C.A.C. (Jeroen)
  • Vellema, S.R. (Sietze)
Monday, 20 February 2012
This shea case study is part of a larger Partnerships Resource Centre (PrC) project elaborated in tandem with two Dutch non-governmental organisations (NGOs); ICCO and Oxfam Novib. The endeavour of this ‘action research’ project is to combine the expert knowledge of development practitioners and the…
Shea case study Burkina Faso cover
  • Pfisterer, S.M. (Stella)
Monday, 9 January 2012
During the 4th High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan (South Korea) in November 2011, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development together with the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Global Compact, the International Business Leaders Forum, the Bertelsmann…
Summary Side Event on Partnerships for Inclusive Business cover
  • Vellema, S.R. (Sietze)
  • Nakimbugwe, D. ()
Monday, 2 January 2012
Introduction The Ugandan Oilseed Sub-sector Platform (OSSUP) is a commodity-based multi-stakeholder platform that has a priority of innovation and technological upgrading. The Ugandan Oilseed Sub-sector Platform as a national platform adopted a strong focus on policy and sector-wide…
The Ugandan Oilseed Sub-sector Platform cover
  • Rivera-Santos, M. (Miguel)
  • Rufín, C. (Carlos)
  • Kolk, A. (Ans)
Sunday, 1 January 2012
The paper analyzes the impact of institutions on the structure of partnerships in subsistence markets (SMs). Grounded in institutional theory and transaction cost economics, the reasoning suggests that partnerships will adapt to the co-existence of SM-specific and external institutions in SMs. SM…
Bridging the Institutional Divide: Partnerships in Subsistence Markets cover
  • Kolk, A. (Ans)
  • Lenfant, F. (François)
Sunday, 1 January 2012
While business-NGO partnerships have received much attention in recent years, insights have been obtained from research in ‘stable’ contexts, not from conflict-ridden countries where such collaboration may be even more crucial in building trust and capacity and in addressing governance problems…
Business-NGO Collaboration in a Conflict Setting: Partnership Activities in the Democratic Republic of Congo cover
  • Kolk, A. (Ans)
  • Lenfant, F. (François)
Tuesday, 27 December 2011
Attention has increased for the potential role of Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) in helping address conflict issues and/or furthering peace and reconciliation as part of their corporate social responsibility policies. However, while existing literature emphasises the importance for MNEs to…
Multinationals, CSR and Partnerships in Central African Conflict Countries cover
  • Van Tulder, R. (Rob)
  • Da Rosa, A. (Andrea)
Monday, 19 December 2011
Academic and policy thought on economic growth and sustainable development in the 21st century represents a breach with traditional thinking. Traditional development approaches are getting replaced by new and more modern development thinking that adopts a contingency approach towards development. In…
Inclusive business through partnerships cover