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Dianne’s Battle Royale: Living, Leading and Loving - with Cancer
Dianne’s Battle Royale: Living, Leading and Loving - with Cancer

Originally posted on 9 March 2018 

How did it get so late so soon? Its night before its afternoon. December is here before its June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon? Dr. Seuss

Many of you will be unaware that I have been living with cancer since my mid-thirties. Regrettably, my cancer has resurfaced yet again and the only intervention left available to me with a chance for remission, is a new medical trial combining immunology and gene therapy that will start tomorrow.

Given the difficulty of writing to each of my wonderful friends and supporters separately, I have decided to provide a periodic update on Facebook.

As I do this, please do not feel sorry for me. I consider myself a very fortunate person—living on this gorgeous planet and benefiting from all that it has to offer.

What I find truly amazing is the nature of our bodies. How much chemo, radiation, and surgery they can cope with, and how many organs and parts of our system are not needed to lead a wonderful life of friendships, travel, and work.

I am so fortunate to be surrounded by a wonderful family, great friends, and fabulous colleagues. I have studied, I have a great job, and I have had the opportunity to travel to amazing places that few even get to dream about. I am blessed to have two beautiful children, Natalie and Bjorn, who fill me with so much pride and joy, and who are both sharing their lives with wonderful partners. As all who know them will testify, Natalie and Bjorn are generous, kind, and respectful young adults who want to add value to the lives they lead. What more could a mother ask for?

Furthermore, my best friend, who is walking this path with me and, continues to believe in me, sometimes more than I do myself, is encouraging me to finish a book I started, to get a number of papers published in the coming months, and to teach. What a tyrant! Don’t tell him, but I am leaning towards having as many holidays as possible while I still can ☺.

In spite of living with cancer for over twenty years, no treatment so far has stopped me from doing all the things I love and I love so much! I love being with family and friends, traveling the world and of course my work. I love my job and I love the fact that I am helping women change their lives and companies change their gender paradigm.


For as long as possible, I will continue to work

For as long as possible, I will continue to be part of society

For as long as possible, I will continue to have goals and dreams

For as long as possible, I will cherish each new day as a gift

For as long as possible, I will continue “Dianne’s battle royale”.


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