Wednesday, 9 April 2025
10:25 - 16:00 (GMT +02:00)
Mandeville building
What’s it really like to work at a company? What are your internship options for Bachelor 3? How can you apply to do what really drives you?
Join the RSM Speed Interviews on 8 & 9 April – it’s your chance to talk to the right people to make sure you grab the position you want!
Meet your potential future employer one-on-one. These 20-minute interviews are for just you and the recruiter. You can find out whether you would fit in their organisation. And you can make sure you make a great first impression with some careful preparation too.
Registration deadline: Monday 17 March 23:59 hours. Please note that the companies will operate a selection process before the speed interviews.
Time slots 10:25 - 16:00 hours
We look forward to welcoming you!
RSM Career Centre