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Digital transformation is a crucial dynamic in an organisation. With a seemingly endless stream of technological and AI innovations dominating the headlines, what matters is not how technologically skilled your people are, but their innovative capabilities, and their ability to respond and anticipate transformation. 

Whether your organisation is behind on adapting to digital disruptions such as generative AI, hoping to embark on a journey of transformation, or wants to integrate a mindset of continuous innovation into your culture, make sure your people are equipped to start on the right foot. 

RSM's customised and in-company programmes for organisations are designed to empower your people with the skills you need to sustainably approach digital transformation and innovation, see beyond the hype of technology trends, and spark positive change within your organisation. 

Key digital transformation trends of the next five years

Applied AI

AI has been advancing at an exponential rate, forcing transformation and disrupting entire industries. Organisations that cannot embrace these innovations, and find strategic applications for emerging AI technologies, risk being underprepared and lacking the right skills to adapt and grow within a new business environment. 

Cyber resilience

Cybersecurity is no longer an IT issue - as cyberattacks become more sophisticated, it is vital to integrate cyber resilience holistically into the strategic vision of your organisation. Your organisation must take an active stance, and ensure you can continue to effectively deliver to your customers in the face of cyberattack threats. 

Data-driven leadership

It's no surprise that collecting data and analytics is vital for any organisation. However, as the excitement over big data subsides, effectively using the right data and harnessing the power of your organisation's analytics to lead effectively will differentiate your organisation as an industry leader. 

Sustainable technology

Every time, money and effort investment from your organisation's people is a chance to create a positive change. This is especially the case for technology, as having capabilities in sparking digital innovations allow your people to optimise operations, consume less, and build a safer, more sustainable future.

Your digital transformation experts

All of our digital and innovation programmes are built from the cutting-edge knowledge and practical tools developed by our RSM experts. Made up of renowned academic researchers and industry leaders from around the world, RSM's experts have a diverse range of specialist knowledge in areas such as digital strategy, innovation management and data-driven leadership. Below are just a few of our experts in digital transformation.

Prof. Ting Li

Ting Li is a professor of digital business at RSM, and academic director of MSc Business Information Management, and of the Erasmus Centre for Data Analytics. She teaches information strategy, digital commerce, social and mobile analytics, and social networks, and she has worked in supply chains, web services, and grid computing. Her research focuses on the strategic use of information and its economic impacts.

Prof. Eric van Heck

Eric van Heck is a professor of information management and markets at RSM. His research concentrates on business architectures and digital platforms for dealing with complex societal and business challenges. At the moment he works on Auction Markets, Big Data & Analytics, Digital Business & Architecture, and Digital Work. Research is carried out in collaboration with innovative companies and universities in Brazil, China, Europe, Indonesia, and USA. He is an active member of the Erasmus Center for Data Analytics and the Erasmus Center for Future Energy Business.

Dr Jovana Karanovic

Jovana Karanovic is Assistant Professor at the Department of Technology and Operations Management at RSM. Jovana’s research is at the intersection of digital technologies and new organizational forms, with a particular focus on platforms. Furthermore, Jovana is the Founder and Managing Director of Reshaping Work – a foundation that has become a leading authority on the future of work topics.

Dr Ferdinand Jaspers

Ferdinand Jaspers is programme director at the Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship. He teaches innovation leadership, strategy and entrepreneurship through courses, masterclasses and boot camps to help entrepreneurs move beyond lean start-up, design thinking, business modelling and effectuation. With experts from DSM and ING, Ferdinand founded the ECE Innovation Leadership executive programme. 

Dr Philipp Cornelius

Philipp Cornelius is an associate professor at RSM. Philipp’s research interests are in new product development, innovation management and crowd-driven innovation. He investigates related questions in large-sample econometric studies using original data from organisations and innovation platforms. He holds a PhD in management science and innovation from the UCL School of Management, University College London, and a BSc in information systems from the University of Mannheim, Germany.

Dr Juan P. Madiedo

Dr Juan P. Madiedo is an associate professor at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM), and has a PhD in business studies from IE Business School, IE University in Spain. He focuses on managers’ roles in operations. Before joining RSM, Juan worked at IE University in Spain and Universidad de los Andes in Colombia and was a visiting scholar at INCAE Business School in Costa Rica.

Dr Murat Tarakci

Murat Tarakci is an associate professor of innovation management, and academic director of the MSc in Management of Innovation programme at RSM. He specialises in disruptive innovations, strategy implementation, and leadership, combining his business experience from Unilever and academic experience to research what motivates managers’ search for new strategic initiatives. 

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Marcos Siqueira

Key Account Manager

Sandra Koopmans

Key Account Manager

Sharlene Bell

Key Account Manager