Rotterdam school of Management, Erasmus University compact logo

Evaluation Criteria

As a numerux fixus programme, IBA applicants are given selection points, which are used for ranking and selecting the top 750 applicants. The selection points are based on your grades and your motivation;
  • Grades 75%: Your average grade counts the most for the final ranking. The lower your grades, the fewer selection points you'll receive. If you do not meet the minimum grade average listed for your diploma, we advise you to apply elsewhere. Use the search tool below to find the criteria for your diploma.
  • Motivation 25%: You will answer 3 motivation questions when applying
You must also meet the minimum English and Mathematics requirements listed for your diploma type.

Please note that all admissions related information for the 2025-2026 academic year will be updated before the application season opens on 1 October.


Diploma name

  • Apolytirio Genikou Lykeiou

Mathematics requirement

  • Specialisation/ Orientation in Mathematics taken up until the final year and as part of the final exams, and with a minimum grade of 18 

  • If you do not meet this requirement, you must take a mathematics exam

English language requirement

Selection points

  • You will be granted selection points if you have a Grade Average of 18 or higher.

  • If your grades are below this, you will not earn selection points for your final ranking

For applicants in the final year of high school: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the grades of your penultimate year (the year before your final year). 

For graduated applicants: 

  • Your Grade Average will be based on your final grade average as listed on your diploma.  

Additional requirements

  • You must include the RSM diploma statement in your application. This statement must be filled in by your school counselor or school representative. If you have already graduated at the time of applying, the statement is not required.  

  • In the application, you must submit official grade lists signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted. Ensure that RSM can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations. 

Find out how to apply

Disclaimer: These requirements are subject to change without prior notice. No rights may be derived from this publication. Please note that the RSM Admissions Office ultimately decides if the level and content of your education is sufficient and comparable to the Dutch secondary school system.

Last update:
Thursday, 21 September 2023

Diploma name

  • Gimnáziumi Érettségi Bizonyítvány

General requirements

  • only accepted secondary school education with general/academic subjects completed at a General Gimnázium 

Mathematics requirement

  • Mathematics Advanced level (Emelt) (taken up until the final year and as part of the final exams, with a minimum grade of 3 (közepes)

  • If you do not meet this requirement, you must take a mathematics exam

English language requirement

Selection points

  • You will be granted selection points if you have a minimum Grade Average of 4 or higher. If your grades are below this, you will not earn selection points for your final ranking.

For applicants in the final year of high school: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the grades of your penultimate year (the year before your final year). 

For graduated applicants: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the grades achieved during your final year and your exam grades 

Additional requirements

  • Applicants who take mathematics Advanced level as part of their final exams must clearly indicate this in their application and on the RSM diploma statement. If this is not clearly indicated in the application, RSM will assume that you take basic mathematics and a mathematics exam is required. 

  • You must include the RSM diploma statement in your application. This statement must be filled in by your school counselor or school representative. If you have already graduated at the time of applying, the statement is not required.  
  • In the application you must submit official grade lists signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted. Ensure that RSM can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations.

Find out how to apply

Disclaimer: These requirements are subject to change without prior notice. No rights may be derived from this publication. Please note that the RSM Admissions Office ultimately decides if the level and content of your education is sufficient and comparable to the Dutch secondary school system.

Last update:
Wednesday, 20 September 2023

Diploma name

  •  Stúdentspróf 

Mathematics Requirement

English requirement

  • A minimum grade of 7 for English. You must be taking English up until the final school year. 

  • If you do not meet this requirement, you must take an English language test

Selection points

You will be granted selection points if you have a Grade Average of 7 or higher. If your grades are below this, you will not earn selection points for your final ranking

For applicants in the final year of high school: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the grades of your penultimate year (the year before your final year). 

For graduated applicants: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the grades achieved during your final year. 

Additional requirements

  • You must include the RSM diploma statement in your application. This statement must be filled in by your school counselor or school representative. If you have already graduated at the time of applying, the statement is not required. 

  • In the application, you must submit official grade lists signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted. Ensure that RSM can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations. 

Find out how to apply

Disclaimer: These requirements are subject to change without prior notice. No rights may be derived from this publication. Please note that the RSM Admissions Office ultimately decides if the level and content of your education is sufficient and comparable to the Dutch secondary school system.

Last update:
Wednesday, 20 September 2023

Diploma name

  • International Baccalaureate (IB) 

General requirements

  • Only the full IB Diploma is accepted.

  • IB certificates and IB Career-related programme are not accepted.

Mathematics requirement

  • Mathematics Analysis & Approaches SL minimum grade 5 OR Mathematics Analysis & Approaches HL minimum grade 4 OR Mathematics Applications & Interpretation HL minimum grade 5 

  • (IB curriculum until 2019) Math SL minimum grade 5 OR Math HL minimum grade 4
  • If you do not meet any of the above requirements, you must take a mathematics exam

English language requirement

  • The entire IB programme is taught in English. 

  • If the IB programme is not entirely taught in English, then you need to fulfill either English A SL with a minimum score of 5 OR English A HL with a minimum score of 4 OR English B HL with a minimum score of 5  
  • If you do not meet any of the above requirements, you must take an English language test.

Selection points

  • ​You will be granted selection points if you have a total of 33 points based on the 6 exam subjects (excluding TOK and EE) or higher. If your grades are below this, you will not earn selection points for your final ranking.

For applicants in the final year of high school

  • Your Total IB points will be calculated based on the grades of your penultimate year (the year before your final year). Predicted grades are not used for the evaluation. 

For graduated applicants: 

  • Your Total IB points will be calculated based on the final exam grades (excluding TOK and EE).  

Additional requirements

  • Predicted grades are not used for the evaluation.

  • You must include the diploma statement in your application. This statement must be filled in by your school counselor or school representative. If you have already graduated at the time of applying, the statement is not required. 
  • Ensure that the levels of all subjects are clearly indicated (HL, SL, A or B) including Mathematics and languages on the diploma statement. 
  • Clearly indicate if the entire IB programme is taught in English.
  • If you follow multiple education systems and obtain more than one diploma (for instance, International Baccalaureate (IB) and American High School Diploma or the International Baccalaureate (IB) and your home country’s diploma), your application will be evaluated based on one diploma type. Also note that if you have or obtain both an IB diploma and a diploma from your home country that is not equivalent to the Dutch pre-university (VWO) diploma, your application will be assessed using the requirements for the IB diploma.  
  • In the application you must submit official grade lists signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted. Ensure that RSM can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations.
  • If you have not received your official IB diploma yet, RSM can verify your IB exam results online via the IBO website. This verification process can only be done if you have granted permission to Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM), using the institute code: 034892. 

Find out how to apply

Disclaimer: These requirements are subject to change without prior notice. No rights may be derived from this publication. Please note that the RSM Admissions Office ultimately decides if the level and content of your education is sufficient and comparable to the Dutch secondary school system.

Last update:
Wednesday, 20 September 2023

Diploma name

  • Leaving Certificate and

  • at least 400 CAO points

General requirements

  • at least six (general/academic) subjects including 2 subjects at Higher Level including mathematics 

  • At least 400 CAO points  

Mathematics requirement

  • Mathematics Higher level minimum grade of H4  

  • If you do not meet this requirement, you must take a mathematics exam 

English language requirement

  • Your education must be entirely taught in English.  

  • If your education is not entirely taught in English, you must take an English language test 

Selection points 

  • You will be granted selection points if you have a Grade Average of H4 or higher and minimum score of 400 CAO points. If your grades are below this, you will not earn selection points for your final ranking

For applicants in the final year of high school: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the grades of your penultimate year (year before your final year). 

For graduated applicants: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the final exam grades and CAO points  

Additional requirements  

  • You must include the RSM diploma statement in your application. This statement must be filled in by your school counselor or school representative. If you have already graduated at the time of applying, the statement is not required. 

  • In the application you must submit official grade lists signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted. Ensure that RSM can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations. 

Find out how to apply

Disclaimer: These requirements are subject to change without prior notice. No rights may be derived from this publication. Please note that the RSM Admissions Office ultimately decides if the level and content of your education is sufficient and comparable to the Dutch secondary school system.

Last update:
Wednesday, 20 September 2023

Diploma name

  • Diploma di Superamento dell’Esame di Stato Conclusivo dei Corsi di Istruzione Secondario Superiore (Liceo classico/ Liceo Scientifico/ Liceo Linguistico/Liceo delle Scienze umane)

Mathematics requirement

  • Minimum grade of 7 for Liceo Scientifico and Liceo Classico.   

  • If you do not meet this requirement, you must take a mathematics exam

English language requirement 

 Selection points

  • You will be granted selection points if you have a Grade Average of 8 or higher. If your grades are below this, you will not earn selection points for your final ranking

For applicants in the final year of high school: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the grades of your penultimate year (the year before your final year). 

For graduated applicants: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the grades achieved during your final year and your grade average (scrutinio finale) as stated on your diploma. 

Additional requirements 

  • Did you go on exchange in your penultimate year? Provide your grades for the exchange year, grades prior to the exchange, and the grades for the first semester of your final year. The Grade Average and your mathematics grade will be calculated based on the grades prior to the exchange and the first semester of your final year.

  • You must include the RSM diploma statement in your application. This statement must be filled in by your school counselor or school representative. If you have already graduated at the time of applying, the statement is not required.  
  • In the application you must submit official grade lists signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted. Ensure that RSM can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations. 

Find out how to apply

Disclaimer: These requirements are subject to change without prior notice. No rights may be derived from this publication. Please note that the RSM Admissions Office ultimately decides if the level and content of your education is sufficient and comparable to the Dutch secondary school system.

Last update:
Monday, 23 October 2023

Diploma name

  • Certificate of completed general secondary education (Жалпы Oрта білім туралы аттестат/Аттестат об общем среднем образовании)

  • Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools (NIS) Grade 12 Certificate

Mathematics requirement

English language requirement

Selection points

  • You will be granted selection points if you have a Grade Average of 4 or higher. If your grades are below this, you will not earn selection points for your final ranking

For applicants in the final year of high school:

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the grades of your penultimate year (the year before your final year). 

For graduated applicants: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the results achieved in both your final year of study and the national exams.  

Additional requirements

  • You must include the RSM diploma statement in your application. This statement must be filled in by your school counselor or school representative. If you have already graduated at the time of applying, the statement is not required. 

  • In the application, you must submit official grade lists signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted. Ensure that RSM can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations. 

Find out how to apply

Disclaimer: These requirements are subject to change without prior notice. No rights may be derived from this publication. Please note that the RSM Admissions Office ultimately decides if the level and content of your education is sufficient and comparable to the Dutch secondary school system.

Last update:
Thursday, 21 September 2023

Diploma name

  • Atestāts par vispārējo vidējo izglītību AND 

  • Vispārējās vidējās izglītības sertifikāts 

Mathematics requirement

English language requirement

Selection points

  • You will be granted selection points if you have a Grade Average of 7.0 or higher.

  • If your grades are below this, you will not earn selection points for your final ranking.

For applicants in the final year of high school:

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the grades of your penultimate year (the year before your final year).

For graduated applicants:

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the average of the results achieved in both your final year of study and the national exams. 

Additional requirements

  • You must include the RSM diploma statement in your application. This statement must be filled in by your school counselor or school representative. If you have already graduated at the time of applying, the statement is not required. 

  • If you have already graduated, you must next to your diploma also provide the Statement of records (Sekmju izraksts) and Certificate of the Centralised exams (Vispārējās vidējās izglītības sertifikāts).
  • In the application, you must submit official grade lists signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted. Ensure that RSM can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations. 

Find out how to apply

Disclaimer: These requirements are subject to change without prior notice. No rights may be derived from this publication. Please note that the RSM Admissions Office ultimately decides if the level and content of your education is sufficient and comparable to the Dutch secondary school system.

Last update:
Thursday, 21 September 2023

Diploma name

  • Brandos Atestatas/ Maturity Certificate (from a Gimnazija or Licejus)

Mathematics requirement

  • Mathematics Level A with a minimum grade of 8 (80% for Math state examination)

  • If you do not meet this requirement, you must take a mathematics exam.

English language requirement 

Selection points

  • You will be granted selection points if you have a Grade Average of 8.0 (80% for state examinations) or higher.

  • If your grades are below this, you will not earn selection points for your final ranking

For applicants in the final year of high school: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the grades of your penultimate year (the year before your final year). 

For graduated applicants: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the results achieved in both your final year of study and the national exams. 

Additional requirements

  • You must include the RSM diploma statement in your application. This statement must be filled in by your school counselor or school representative. If you have already graduated at the time of applying, the statement is not required. . 

  • In the application, you must submit official grade lists signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted. Ensure that RSM can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations. 

Find out how to apply

Disclaimer: These requirements are subject to change without prior notice. No rights may be derived from this publication. Please note that the RSM Admissions Office ultimately decides if the level and content of your education is sufficient and comparable to the Dutch secondary school system.

Last update:
Wednesday, 20 September 2023

Diploma name

  • Diplôme de fin d'Etudes Secondaires  

Mathematics requirement

  • Section mathématiques-informatique / sciences naturelles-mathématiques / sciences économiques-mathématiques with a minimum grade of 44  

  • If you do not meet this requirement, you must take a mathematics exam

English language requirement 

Selection points

  • You will be granted selection points if you have a Grade Average of 44 or higher. If your grades are below this, you will not earn selection points for your final ranking

For applicants in the final year of high school: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the grades of your penultimate year (the year before your final year). 

For graduated applicants: 

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the exam grades. 

Additional requirements

  • You must include the RSM diploma statement in your application. This statement must be filled in by your school counselor or school representative. If you have already graduated at the time of applying, the statement is not required. 

  • In the application, you must submit official grade lists signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted. Ensure that RSM can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations.

Find out how to apply

Disclaimer: These requirements are subject to change without prior notice. No rights may be derived from this publication. Please note that the RSM Admissions Office ultimately decides if the level and content of your education is sufficient and comparable to the Dutch secondary school system.

Last update:
Thursday, 21 September 2023

Diploma name

  • Diplomă de bacalaureat

General requirements

  • in the streams (profilul): science (real) OR humanities (uman)

Mathematics requirement

English requirement

Selection points

  • You will be granted selection points if you have a Grade Average of 8 or higher.

  • If your grades are below this, you will not earn selection points for your final ranking.

For applicants in the final year of high school

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the grades of your penultimate year (the year before your final year). 

For graduated applicants

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the results achieved in both your final year of study and the national exams.  

Additional requirements

  • You must include the RSM diploma statement in your application. This statement must be filled in by your school counselor or school representative. If you have already graduated at the time of applying, the statement is not required.
  • Graduated applicants must provide the diploma de Bacalaureat, Rezultatele Examenlor de Bacalaureat and the Tabelul de note generale pentru clasele X-XII.
  • In the application, you must submit official grade lists signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted. Ensure that RSM can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations. 

Find out how to apply

Disclaimer: These requirements are subject to change without prior notice. No rights may be derived from this publication. Please note that the RSM Admissions Office ultimately decides if the level and content of your education is sufficient and comparable to the Dutch secondary school system.

Last update:
Wednesday, 20 September 2023

Diploma name

  • HBO Propaedeutics phase at a Dutch University of Applied Sciences (Completed first year of a four-year HBO programme) 

General requirements

  • If you have a non-Dutch secondary school diploma, please visit the website to review the specific requirements for your diploma type and confirm your eligibility. If your secondary school diploma is not eligible for admission, you must have successfully completed the first year of a four-year HBO study programme and obtain at least 60 EC and have obtained an HBO Propaedeutics University of Applied Sciences. 

Mathematics requirement

  • Your mathematics will be evaluated based on the level and grade obtained during your secondary school.  

  • If you do not meet the math requirement listed for your secondary education, you must take a mathematics exam

English language requirement

  • Your English proficiency will be evaluated based on the level and grade obtained during your secondary school. 

  • If you do not meet any of the above requirements, you must take an English language test

Selection points

  • If you are eligible with your secondary school diploma, you will be granted selection points based on the final year of your secondary school and/or exams. If your grade average is below the minimum requirements for your secondary school diploma, you will not earn selection points for your final ranking. Please visit the website to review the specific requirements for your diploma type and confirm your eligibility. 

  • If you are not eligible with your secondary school diploma and are in the first year of your HBO studies when you apply, you must have obtained at least 25 credits (EC) by 31st January, with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 7.5. If you have completed less than 25 credits (EC), you are not eligible for selection.  

Additional requirements

  • Applicants who are not eligible with their secondary school diploma must have completed the first year of a four-year HBO study programme with at least 60 EC and have obtained an HBO Propaedeutics University of Applied Sciences.

  • In the application you must submit official grade lists signed by your school representative/HBO Institution representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted. Ensure that RSM can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school/institution uses a different grading system or calculations.  

Find out how to apply

Disclaimer: These requirements are subject to change without prior notice. No rights may be derived from this publication. Please note that the RSM Admissions Office ultimately decides if the level and content of your education is sufficient and comparable to the Dutch secondary school system.

Last update:
Tuesday, 14 November 2023

Diploma name

  • HBO Propaedeutics University of Applied Sciences (Completed first year of a four year HBO programme at a Dutch University of Applied Sciences) 

General requirements

  • For applicants with a Dutch HAVO diploma: you must have successfully completed the first year of a four-year HBO study programme and obtain at least 60 EC. 

Mathematics requirement 

  • VWO certificate Wiskunde A with minimum grade of 7.0 OR VWO certificate Wiskunde B with a minimum grade of 6.0 

  • If you do not meet this requirements, you must take a mathematics exam

English language requirement 

  • VWO certificate English with a minimum grade of 7.0 OR IB English A HL certificate minimum grade 4 OR IB English A SL certificate minimum grade 5  

  • If you do not meet any of the above requirements, you must take an English language test

Selection points

  • You will be granted selection points based on the grades for the first year of your HBO studies. The grade point average (GPA) for your HBO studies must be at least 7.5. If your grade average is lower, you will not earn selection points for your final ranking

  • If you are in the first year of your HBO studies when you apply, you must have obtained at least 25 credits (EC) by 31st January. If you have less than 25 credits (EC) you are not eligible for selection. 

Additional requirements  

  • With a HAVO diploma you can only be admitted if you have completed the first year of a four-year HBO study programme with at least 60 EC and have obtained an HBO Propaedeutics University of Applied Sciences 

  • In the application you must submit official grade lists signed by your school representative/HBO Institution representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted. Ensure that RSM can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school/institution uses a different grading system or calculations. 

Find out how to apply

Disclaimer: These requirements are subject to change without prior notice. No rights may be derived from this publication. Please note that the RSM Admissions Office ultimately decides if the level and content of your education is sufficient and comparable to the Dutch secondary school system.

Last update:
Thursday, 9 November 2023

Diploma name

  • 1st year completed at a Dutch research university (WO) 

Mathematics requirement

  • Your mathematics will be evaluated based on the level and grade obtained during your secondary school.  

  • If you do not meet the math requirements listed for your secondary education, you must take a mathematics exam

English language requirement

  • Your English proficiency will be evaluated based on the level and grade obtained during your secondary school. 

  • If you do not meet this requirement, you must take an English language test

Selection points

  • Grades from both your final year of secondary school and your first year of university will be used to calculate your average grade (check the specific requirements for your secondary school diploma first). 

  • During the first year of your university studies, you must maintain a GPA of 7.0.  

  • If your grades are below the requirements, you will not earn selection points for the final ranking

Additional requirements

  • In the application, you must submit official grade lists signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted. Ensure that RSM can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations. 

Find out how to apply

Disclaimer: These requirements are subject to change without prior notice. No rights may be derived from this publication. Please note that the RSM Admissions Office ultimately decides if the level and content of your education is sufficient and comparable to the Dutch secondary school system.

Last update:
Thursday, 21 September 2023

Diploma name

  • VWO 

Mathematics requirement

  • Minimum grade of 7.0 for Wiskunde A OR Minimum grade of 6.0 for Wiskunde B 

  • If you have already graduated, RSM calculates the average of your school exam (SE) grade and national exam (CE) grade. 
  • If you do not meet the above requirement, you must take a mathematics exam

English language requirement

  • Minimum grade of 7.0 OR IB English A HL minimum grade 4 OR IB English A SL minimum grade 5 

  • For VWO-TTO applicants who are in their final year of high school and who intend to take the IB English exam: minimum grade of 6.5 in TTO-English, along with proof of TTO English proficiency.

  • If you have already graduated, RSM calculates the average of your school exam (SE) grade and national exam (CE) grade. 
  • If you do not meet this requirement, you must take an English language test

Selection points

  • You will be granted selection points if you have a Grade Average of 7.0 or higher. If your grades are below this, you will not earn selection points for your final ranking

For applicants in the final year of high school

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on the grades of your penultimate year (the year before your final year). RSM calculates your grade average based on your 5 VWO end-of-year grades. 

For graduated applicants

  • Your Grade Average will be calculated based on your final rounded grades (eindcijfer).  

Additional requirements

  • You must include the diploma statement in your application. This statement must be filled in by your school counselor or school representative. If you have already graduated at the time of applying, the statement is not required.

  • In the application you must submit official grade lists signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted. Ensure that RSM can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations. 

Find out how to apply

Disclaimer: These requirements are subject to change without prior notice. No rights may be derived from this publication. Please note that the RSM Admissions Office ultimately decides if the level and content of your education is sufficient and comparable to the Dutch secondary school system.

Last update:
Tuesday, 16 January 2024