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Video: Tuesday, 5 March 2024

Our own Maria Carmen Punzi, a PhD student of Business Society Management at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University in The Netherlands, gave a lecture about her research on menstrual health in the workplace during the latest Studio Erasmus, a talk show open to Rotterdam citizens. In her talk, she explored how menstrual health is not a ‘women’s problem’ but an opportunity for society to become more inclusive; how supporting menstrual health means understanding the interplay between biology and socialisation and how starting to talk about it  can contribute to achieving gender equality - for both women and men”.

Maria Carmen in a menstrual health researcher and advocate. After working in several international non-profit organisations focused on gender equity and reproductive health, she joined RSM in September 2019. Bringing together literatures on social entrepreneurship, social movements and institutional change, she studies how different stakeholders organise around menstrual health, competing, collaborating and constructing new meanings around it.

Maria Carmen translates insights from her academic work to media conversation and social change projects.

Maria Carmen Punzi at Studio Erasmus

M.C. (Maria Carmen) Punzi MSc
PhD Candidate
Rotterdam School of Management (RSM)
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Maria Carmen Punzi

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