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Geerke Versteeg and Yvette Watson established the online platform The 2B Collective to immerse users in a gamified environment, teaching them about climate neutrality, circularity, and inclusivity. With a mature product, a new business model, and a committed team, the most recent financial results bolstered their confidence in scaling the venture. However, limited financial resources posed a challenge. Investor discussions revealed a focus on short-term returns rather than long-term social impact, compounded by post-pandemic market instability. This case is about Geerke and Yvette, both passionate about sustainability, and how they navigate challenges as female entrepreneurs in a male-dominated industry, while trying to stay true to their mission, values, and identity.


Identify and explain the different challenges/tension that social entrepreneurs face in their journey to grow their business.

Citation Note

Based on field research; 11 pages

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Case Study