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Based on published sources; 20 pages.

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Logitech was the world’s leading provider of computer peripherals. However, with peripherals becoming part of the standard package in computing, and with the rise of touch screens, would Logitech survive in the market?


Logitech, founded in Switzerland in 1981, was the world’s leading provider of computer peripherals in 2010. It was originally established as a software development and hardware architecture company, and is famous for developing cutting-edge technology in the computer peripherals industry. By incorporating a strategy of innovation, acquisition and competitive pricing, Logitech has charted a course as an industry leader throughout its existence. However, the company faces future challenges in maintaining this position as a result of the global recession and significant competitive technological pressures in its industry. Separate computer peripherals and auxiliary interface devices are becoming less necessary as technological advances become part of the standard package in computing. Touch screens, built in video and audio devices, and laptop touchpads may eventually erode the need for computer peripherals – the very market upon which Logitech has built its success.


This case is written in a way that complex strategic decisions can easily be analyzed during limited classroom discussion time. Professors have commented that the case has worked well in their classrooms.

Case Study