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  • Tans, M. (Mathilde)
  • Aladdin, A. (Amr)
  • Kessels, R. (Rick)
  • De Bruin, J. (Joppe)
Wednesday, 13 March 2019
This case will serve the purpose of finding a suitable and viable financing source for the upscaling of NEXUS Centers Nepal, a social enterprise which provides social infrastructure in rural areas in Nepal. Without upscaling the social enterprise will not be able to break even and cease to exist.…
Nexus Centers Nepal cover
  • Sakalaš, S. (Saira)
  • Ghamoyan, K. (Karo)
  • El-Sayed, N. (Nour)
Wednesday, 13 March 2019
Our protagonist is Michel Rudolphie, the former CEO of the Dutch Cancer Society, KWF, in the Netherlands. He made decisions about internal restructuring of this NGO to be able to see its impact on the patient and speed up the time period patients need to receive benefits of laboratory research. Our…
KWF: How Internal Restructuring Can Increase the Benefits of Scientific Research cover
  • Keulen, P. (Pelle)
  • Veltman, Y. (Yvonne)
Wednesday, 13 March 2019
The Rotterdam Centre of Health Promotion (RCHP) is a collaboration between Erasmus University and the Rotterdam municipality, with the end goal of improving public health in Rotterdam. The approach is to utilize social research, in order to help law makers design interventions that will deter…
Rotterdam Centre of Health Promotion: A mix of Science, Politics, and Money cover
  • Mom, T.J.M. (Tom)
  • Kleinsmith, N. (Niela)
  • Hyunod, J. (Jhee)
  • Jansen, J.J.P. (Justin)
Friday, 1 March 2019
"This case highlights the organizational, international and strategic challenges faced by a leading internet restaurant aggregator,, in the food online ordering and delivery (FOOD) industry after receiving a mandate for rapid international growth through investor and IPO funding. The… Exponential Growth in Online Food Ordering and Delivery cover
  • Van Doorn, N. (Nanne)
  • De Jeu, T. (Thijs)
  • Van de Wijngaard, Q. (Quint)
  • Sheldon, C. (Christine)
Wednesday, 15 August 2018
In this case we follow the Dutch Member of Parliament Pieter Duisenberg in his journey of advocating for an educational reform. The idea of flexible studying, paying tuition fee only strictly for the courses taken, was taken on by Duisenberg and his colleague Mohandis and quickly grew into a…
Flexible Education cover
  • Chirikure, N. (Nora)
  • Hoekman, J. (Jan)
  • Kegels, N. (Nathalie)
  • Schaller, S. (Silian)
  • Verder, K. (Killian)
Wednesday, 15 August 2018
Despite the high percentage of the population being affected by overweight and obesity, there has been little available treatments and virtually no coverage by the insurance companies to mitigate the problem. Dr van Rossum, professor at Erasmus Medical Center (EMC), is actively working to tackle…
Prof. Dr. van Rossum cover
  • Van Tartwijk, S. (Simon)
  • Van den Berg, C. (Christiaan)
  • Wang, P. (Priscilla)
Wednesday, 15 August 2018
In summary, this teaching case investigates the short but vibrant history of a Dutch start-up company: HousingAnywhere, the provider of an online platform that offers short-term housing rental possibilities, especially focused on exchange students. Founded in 2009, this company has already rapidly…
Housing Anywhere cover
  • Dorna, T. (Thijs)
  • Koene, B.A.S. (Bas)
  • Martin, F. (Fuensanta)
Sunday, 1 July 2018
Juan Alvarez, manager of the private hospital HS in Malaga, Spain, recently implemented a change in how it is treating its international patients, after they complained about the quality of care at the hospitals. Previously, the hospital used a standard somatic medical approach – placing…
Patients, Personnel and Profits: Improving Healthcare for International Patients cover
  • Comiteau, L. (Lauren)
  • Koene, B.A.S. (Bas)
  • Balhuizen, C. (Claudia)
Sunday, 1 July 2018
In late 2016, Bas Smit, CEO of WeCare, a large Dutch regional care organisation providing home care, intramural nursing home care and extramural social care, had just returned from a high-level funding session organised by the Dutch Healthcare Authority. In addition to people from the care sector,…
WeCare: The District Nurse and Self-Organising Home Care Teams – When Efficiency Meets Professional Discretion cover
  • Iwashita, K. (Kaou)
  • Koene, B.A.S. (Bas)
  • Boethius, S. (Susanne)
  • Mathieu, C. (Christopher)
Sunday, 1 July 2018
The case highlights the bi-directional causal relationship between job quality and innovations in the hospital sector. It focuses on The Regional Cancer Care (RCC) South, a unit that developed and coordinated the cancer care at hospitals in the Southern Healthcare Region in Sweden. This unit aimed…
The Regional Cancer Centre South: Developing the Nation-wide Professional Network for Coordinated Cancer Treatment cover