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The RSM Case Development Centre (CDC) continued to make significant strides in 2023, serving educators and students around the world with a portfolio of teaching cases that equip learners with practical insights and critical decision-making skills. In 2023, a massive number – 74,188 cases – were downloaded by educators, placing the CDC in the top 10 of the Impact Index. This represents a growing number of professors who are integrating case teaching as part of a dynamic approach to preparing future leaders in business.

Biggest users

In 2023, the CDC's cases were used by educators and students in 59 countries on six continents. The UK used the largest number of cases with 4,704 downloads, followed by the USA with 3,105 downloads. Business and management programmes in these two countries often include case-based learning as a core component.

Among 366 universities around the world that purchased CDC cases, the top three users were all in the UK: University College London (UCL) topped the list with 1,060 cases downloaded, followed by University of Warwick with 859 cases and Birmingham Business School with 764 cases.

Most used cases

M&A (M&A) cases were popular throughout the year because of their relevance in teaching critical decision-making skills in complex business environments, bridging theoretical knowledge with practical insights from real-world transactions. In 2023, the CDC’s most popular case, Bumpy Road Ahead: The Automotive Interiors Merger That Wasn't by Dr Milton Sousa and Lauren Comiteau, was downloaded 6,620 times. This case delves into the intricate M&A process and is written in a fictional style but inspired by facts. There was also a lot of interest in two other M&A cases Dow's Acquisition Program (809 downloads) and Philips-Indal: The Deal from Heaven?  (990 downloads).

Issues faced by organisations adopting remote working on a large scale after the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 could be the reason for the popularity of a case about the challenges of global teams working across different time zones Collaborating Across Time Zones: A Low-Tech Simulation (B) by Dr Julija Mell, with 1,603 downloads.

Impactful SDG cases

The third most-downloaded CDC case in 2023 describes how of a community of coffee farmers tried to improve their livelihoods by leveraging marketing tools. This free case, The Coffee of Andradas: Building a Brand to Help a Community, written by Prof. Stefano Puntoni and Carla Gatt in 2021, is one of 17 free SDG cases that explore the complexity of sustainable development through the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. This collection of free cases encourages students to consider issues beyond their own study specialisations and to view sustainable development as an integrated concept linking environmental, social and economic dimensions.

This case is also one of CDC’s multimedia cases for students to gain insights from real-world successes and failures in topics such as ethics, sustainability, marketing. They offer practical examples that bring business concepts to life.

Educational trends and benefits

Using case studies in management education offers benefits for students from engaging with real-life business challenges, and developing decision-making skills that are essential for navigating complex environments. The case method encourages students to consider diverse perspectives, and open their minds to different approaches. It  fosters self-confidence in tackling future professional challenges. For professors considering integrating case teaching into their courses, the case method provides a robust framework to prepare students for dynamic roles in business leadership and problem-solving.

More information

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) is one of Europe’s top-ranked business schools. RSM provides ground-breaking research and education furthering excellence in all aspects of management and is based in the international port city of Rotterdam – a vital nexus of business, logistics and trade. RSM’s primary focus is on developing business leaders with international careers who can become a force for positive change by carrying their innovative mindset into a sustainable future. Our first-class range of bachelor, master, MBA, PhD and executive programmes encourage them to become critical, creative, caring and collaborative thinkers and doers.


Case Development Centre