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RSM Impact Fund

Harnessing the power of enterprise, since 1970

Since our founding fifty years ago, RSM has focused on the power of business – armed with cutting edge research and education – to change minds and transform lives. But we know that, with your help, more – much more – is possible. And that’s why we are asking you to pledge support for the RSM Impact Fund.

The impact

Over the past 50 years, RSM has developed research and delivered education which nurtures imagination, determination and expertise.

Why? So that our global community can deliver lasting, meaningful positive change. And the results speak for themselves. The FT ranks our EMBA number one in the Netherlands and in the top ten globally for corporate social responsibility. Our alumni are senior leaders, designing the future in their industries and on the global stage.

And our financial impact – as assessed by the European Foundation for Management Development – tops €470 million, just in the Randstad region. Now, to mark our 50th anniversary, we are launching the €50,000 RSM Impact Fund – an investment in the power of enterprise, and your opportunity to back our students and academics as they deliver positive change.

Canal in Rotterdam city

Research that delivers positive change

Wicked problems and grand challenges need a new approach

From Covid 19 to refugee crises to climate change, the world is full of so-called ‘wicked problems’ – seemingly intractable challenges where solutions seem to lead to completely new and equally problematic issues.

Which is why Corinna Frey-Heger is working on a different approach – one that gives as much weight to the organisations trying to solve these problems as the problems themselves. From permanent refugee camps in Rwanda to the mechanisms for delivering aid in a crisis situation, the result is expert insight and recommendations that, with the support of the Impact Fund, can reach NGOs quickly to make real impact.

Refugee camp in Rwanda

The Impact Fund provides targeted support to amplify the impact of our researchers and students

The Fund’s selection process puts particular emphasis on people and projects that demonstrate the imagination, determination and expertise to make real and lasting positive impact – whether locally, nationally or globally.

And your investment in students like Louisa, Koen and Camila, and in the work of researchers like René Bakker and Corinna Frey-Heger, will enable them to make a positive impact on the world now, and into the future.

Reshirt Rotterdam

It’s the sheer volume of waste that is difficult to comprehend.

RSM student on campus

Koen Vegter

Think predicting the future is just for fortune tellers? Think again.

Koen Vegter on EUR campus Woudestein

Louise Mandt

Integrate students. Bring Rotterdam closer to nature. Oh, and save the bees.

Portrait of Louise Mandt

Youth Entrepreneurship in South Africa

Using data to understand and support new micro-businesses.

Youth entrepreneurship in South Africa

Invest in RSM impact

Celebrate our School’s 50th year by harnessing the power of enterprise for positive change.

Your investment in the RSM Impact Fund supports researchers and students who are making positive change via a rigorous programme of scholarships and impact grants.

Your support enables outstanding students to attend RSM, transforming their own opportunities and that of their communities. It enables students and researchers to make positive change via start up grants. And it amplifies the impact of our world-class research, ensuring our data and insight is accessible, whenever and wherever it has most impact.

As we mark our 50th year, our target is €50,000. Every gift matters, from €50 to enable a student project to register their website to €5,000 to help a researcher to disseminate vital hard data as quickly as possible or €15,000 to fund a scholarship.

Your gift will support our community as they work to delivery impact and positive change in the world, so whether you would like to make a regular donation, plan to make a class gift to amplify your support or would like to discuss making a larger donation, please do get in touch with our team.

Invest in RSM impact

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