Rotterdam school of Management, Erasmus University compact logo

Dr Solomon George Zori

Assistant professor of accounting and valuation

At RSM since: September 2015
Nationality: Ghanaian

Portrait of Solomon George Zori

Why did you choose to work at RSM?

“RSM and Erasmus University are internationally recognised with leading scholars in their respective fields of research. Working in such an environment is not only intellectually stimulating but challenges you to be curious in the pursuit of your research goals and ideas. I truly wanted to be a part of this community of excellent and motivated researchers and teachers. Alas, my decision proved me right.”

What has been your highlight of working here so far?

“I treasure the open-door policy and the ‘feel welcomed’ attitude of RSM employees. Walking into the office of a renowned researcher and picking his or her brain about your ideas is satisfying. I could meet up with a leading scholar and have a good conversation about research, teaching and even family in a relaxed setting. This all feeds back into the outcome of good working environment.”

Where did you work before, and how does RSM compare to that?

“RSM is truly a business education environment. My last academic job was at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies and the University of Cologne in Germany. I feel that RSM’s focus and international reach makes it more open to foreign employees and international students. The merit of which creates a stimulating working environment for everyone irrespective of country of origin. There’s a tremendous number of nationalities represented in RSM’s workforce and students.”

What are your interests outside of RSM?

“I enjoy family time, and the Netherlands creates many opportunities for families. I join activities at parks, play groups, nature and cycling. There are endless opportunities for sports, outdoor running by the canals, meeting colleagues for drinks after work and travelling around Europe. The Netherlands is surrounded by so many European countries which are reachable by different forms of transport.”

What unique opportunities have you had at RSM?

“RSM is an excellent place to work as a business scholar. I have access to so many finance databases, research tools and resources in my field of work. The school provides what’s needed to conduct cutting-edge research and teaching innovation and travel grants for conferences to meet international scholars and share your work. I have a great working relationship with my research colleagues, and also with the support service departments that make sure that you have what you need to get going.”

In what ways are you a force for positive change?

“I teach in MSc and MBA programmes, and have shown students that we can change the world by becoming an example to others in what we do to the best of our abilities. Be diligent at your work, care about people you work with, be mindful of the environment and account for it in your work, be sustainable and reflect this in your lifestyle and above all, remember that the planet is for all of us.”


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