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Executives have enthusiastically signed up for the new storytelling programme at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM). To respond to this demand, RSM will issue extra runs of the one-day programme in 2015 to give more professionals the opportunity to improve their storytelling skills to create business value.

RSM’s new The Power of Storytelling programme has proven to be very popular among executives as it has oversubscribed for its launch in April 2015. Initially the one-day programme was planned to only be repeated in October, but RSM has added two extra dates in June and August after identifying professionals’ needs to further develop this business skill.

Being able to engage people with a story is an increasingly useful business skill. Professionals who can craft and deliver a compelling message come across as more credible and persuasive. Some people are naturally good storytellers; others are able to learn this skill during The Power of Storytelling. The one-day programme is taught in English and aims to increase executives’ storytelling skills in order to improve their impact and effectiveness, and to explore how storytelling can be used to create business value.

Storytelling in business

Nicolas Constantinesco leads The Power of Storytelling and says good business has always been about relationships, on local and global levels. “Stories rekindle relationships and make business personal,” he said. “Good businesses build and sustain relationships with their customers and communities through stories. And employees find belonging at work through stories.”

The Power of Storytelling programme at RSM reveals how storytelling was used in history, its neurology and contemporary usage, when to use storytelling as a tool, and what stories to tell. During the programme, participants explore techniques to enhance impact and optimise their storytelling skills, how to create and structure stories, and become inspired by personal and company brands.

Improving personal impact

Although digital connectivity has increased, this also creates an increasing sense of disconnectedness said Constantinesco. “Among this endless stimulation, we search for anchors and meaning to reassure us. We usually find this through stories, because they personalise and humanise what might otherwise seem anonymous,” he said. For example, when buying a product or services, people aren’t inspired by features, but by stories that make them feel better about themselves and their decision to make a purchase. “When you engage with a company, you want to feel connected. People are drawn to companies with which they feel a personal connection,” said Constantinesco.

Professionals from all industries at any level in their career will improve their personal impact and effectiveness at building trust-based relationships and influencing stakeholders during The Power of Storytelling. The programme will take place on Friday 24 April, Wednesday 10 June, Tuesday 25 August, and Thursday 22 October 2015. For more details or to sign up, please see the programme’s webpages or contact RSM Executive Education’s Programme Advisor Michael Smith at

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) is ranked among Europe’s top tier business schools for education and among the top three for research. RSM provides ground-breaking research and education furthering excellence in all aspects of management and is based in the international port city of Rotterdam – a vital nexus of business, logistics and trade. RSM’s primary focus is on developing business leaders with international careers who carry their innovative mindset into a sustainable future thanks to a first-class range of bachelor, master, MBA, PhD and executive programmes. RSM also has offices in the Amsterdam Zuidas business district and in Taipei, Taiwan.

For more information about RSM or this release, please contact Marianne Schouten, Media & Public Relations Manager for RSM, on +31 10 408 2877 or by email at

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