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We're thrilled to share insights from the recent CDC Brown Bag Seminar, where Dr. Francesco Balocco explored the transformative potential of GenAi for Case Development. Hosted on April 24th, our seminar delved into the utilization of AI to reshape case-based learning methods.

Embracing AI Disruption in Education:

Dr. Balocco observed a common trend among educators: a tendency to overlook the advancements in AI. His seminar aimed to change this perspective, highlighting how GenAi can serve as a powerful catalyst for innovation in education. The primary emphasis was on understanding how GenAi can enhance case-based learning experiences for students.

Enhancing Complexity and Realism

The seminar highlighted the power of AI-generated materials in conveying complexity and realism. From email threads and interviews to character backgrounds and quotes, GenAi offers news ways to convey meaning. We discussed several examples that displayed the power of AI to convey personal relationships through interactions between case characters.

Exploring Interactive Learning Possibilities

During the seminar, participants delved into the concept of reactive cases customized to students' reactions. The presentation of Gamma Airlines, which included a chatbot and simulated data, illustrated the thrilling potential for interactive learning adventures. Noteworthy was Francesco's demonstration of Sarah McMain, a fictional CEO with whom students could interact directly.

Overall, the Third Brown Bag Seminar provided a glimpse into the future of case-based learning, where AI serves as a powerful ally in crafting immersive educational experiences. Special thanks to all participants for their invaluable contributions, and we look forward to our next seminar.

More information

RSM Case Community is for faculty and staff to share experiences and explore ideas for case teaching and case development. We will organize our next event in the fall. If you have any topics you wish to learn more about, or wish to receive more information about our next event, please send an email to . We look forward to the next brown bag seminar.

Case Development Centre