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by Kirsten Kardijk, ECWO Researcher

We have just upgraded, stocked and rearranged our mini library with the help of Zoey and Roos who visited us in their school holiday. ECWO Community members who are in the neighbourhood - or on campus - are more than welcome to pop in. We are here every Wednesday!

Borrowing is easy with no membership needed. We only ask that you to leave your name and email address so we know who is enjoying our books. And, if you return your book late, you don’t have to worry about any late charges. In fact you are welcome to keep your book for as long as you need it.

Here is a selection of books you can borrow:

The Model Black How Black British Leaders Succeed in Organisations and Why It Matters by Barbara Banda

Anyone who wants to comprehend what it means to be more inclusive at work should read this book. It is designed for those who struggle with recognising and addressing racial issues at work because they "don't know where to start," "don't know what to do," or " don't know what to say." In the book, Professor Barbara Banda, who has joined our Women in Leadership programme as faculty, pulls back the complex layers of black British leaders in organisations to provide a fresh perspective on the black British experience.

The No Club: Putting a Stop to Women’s Dead-End Work by Linda Babcock, Brenda Peyser, Lise Vesterlund and Laurie Weingart

In an effort to organise their work life, four women - who were overwhelmed by their never-ending to-do lists -came together over $10 wine bottles and formed the No Club. They made a commitment to refuse requests that would divert them from the tasks that would advance their careers. This book describes how their ground-breaking research revealed that "non-promotable work," which unfairly burdens women around the world, is a significant issue that we can—and must—solve. The No Club teaches you how to make tiny but important adjustments and encourages women to make informed decisions about the work they do. At the same time, the authors shed light on how organisations must reconsider how they assign and reward labour in order to experience permanent transformation.

This book is a must-read for everyone who wants to learn how to say ‘no’ or if you want to prep for our No No No workshop facilitated by our Executive Director Prof. Hanneke Takkenberg. And don't forget we are hosting an online event with PWN Netherlands' Book Club to discuss this book in-depth.

Women Courageous: Leading through the Labyrinth – Jennifer Moss Breen (editor), Madelieine van der Steege (editor)

Women Courageous is a collection of personal stories of women leaders in the public, nonprofit, academic, governmental, and private sectors from across the world. The stories highlight their courage and incorporate a scholarly analysis to modify our perception of courage and how it manifests, grows, and supports change. Insights, studies, and practises from this multinational collection of authors' careers in the military, aerospace, public works, higher education, and nonprofit organisations are woven together. Your own experience will ring true in the book's tales of aspiration, self-actualisation, and co-creation, as well as conflict, loss, betrayal, and healing. The book will astound you with fresh insight and inspire us all to rise to the enormous problems of the present. It includes a chapter on our own founder, Prof. Dianne Bevelander, written by our senior project manager, Diane Coetzer and senior researcher, Prof. Mike Page.

Viva la Frida by Annemiek Rens 

This book, created in collaboration with the Drents Museum to mark a recent exhibition, highlights Frida Kahlo personal belongings and life story. The Mexican artist Frida Kahlo (1907–1954) has become a global icon as a result of her outstanding artistic creations, remarkable appearance and unique lifestyle. The striking sense of beauty that Frida Kahlo possessed as well as her beliefs in universal equality have left a lasting influence. Despite the fact that hardship played a significant role in shaping her life, she was able to transform her suffering and inner battle into great works of art.

In the Company of Women: Inspiration and Advice from over 100 Makers, Artists and Entrepreneurs by Grace Bonney

Looking for inspiration? Then  this is the book for you! Over 100 remarkable and powerful women share their stories of embracing their creative spirits, overcoming adversity and inspiring a global entrepreneurial revolution. A magnificent picture of what happens when we follow our passion and goals is painted by media titans, ceramicists, hoteliers, tattoo artists, comedians, and architects.

These are just some of the highlights of our growing collection. See you soon in our office/coffee corner/library!

More information

The Erasmus Centre for Women and Organisations (ECWO) is committed to fostering inclusion. Our founding purpose in 2014 was to empower women and to create a level playing field by building communities for organisational change. Today, ECWO has expanded its perspective to embrace a wider vision of a world of inclusive prosperity. Our new mission is to create a sense of belonging for everyone within organisations through diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), anchored in social safety. We strive for settings where everyone feels valued, respected and supported. We conduct research and produce evidence-led educational programmes, events, coaching, advocacy, and advisory services. We stay true to our roots, and we have evolved to recognise that achieving true inclusion and equity requires encompassing all, regardless of gender or identity.

EC for women and organisations