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Dear RSM Community, 

Like so many of you who have reached out to us, we are deeply shocked about the international crisis that is unfolding in Ukraine and concerned about the consequences this will have for our world and for those in our community who are being impacted by this conflict. As global citizens and future business leaders, it is our collective responsibility to do all we can to contribute to creating a better world. Being a force for positive change means that we must uphold the principles that we stand for – not just in theory but in practice.

This is why we stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, in particular with students and staff in educational institutions. Like the Universities of the Netherlands, we also “embrace those in the academic communities in Russia who are speaking out against the invasion while courageously continuing to dedicate themselves to peace, dialogue and open cooperation”. If you are directly affected, know that we are thinking of you and hope that you and your loved ones remain safe.  

We recognise that as things continue to evolve, many of you may be struggling to process all that is happening. If this is the case, we strongly encourage you to reach out for support or assistance from your study advisor, your supervisor or the counselling/psychologists services at EUR.  

·      RSM’s student advisors –first point of contact for personal circumstances affecting student studies  

·      EUR student counsellors –advice on a broad range of study-related questions  

·      EUR student psychologists –support with stress and mental health issues.  

·      EUR Open Up – psychological support for EUR employees 

Like EUR, we will continue to monitor this situation and how it may directly impact our faculty, staff and students. In the meantime, we encourage you to remain engaged in open dialogue and to treat each other with respect. These are difficult times, and we need to be there for each other. We wish you all strength and courage. We are here for you if you need us.  

On behalf of the RSM Executive Board,

Ansgar Richter,

Dean of Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

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