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A team of eight master students from Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) has accepted the challenge of collecting data to present proof of RSM’s active contributions to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The challenge was issued by RSM’s Positive Change team, which helps to underpin RSM’s actions to address big societal, economic and ecological challenges, and is behind its mission to be a force for positive change in the world.

The team of students, which calls itself Metrics Matrix, plans to unleash the power of data from RSM from four activities: education (in the curriculum and from research); engagement, operations, and planning and administration. The team’s focus is to collect and organise data about the sustainability activities at RSM so it can be quantified and qualified. The results will be presented in a real-time SDG Dashboard in summer 2021. The Metrics Matrix students are coached by Joey Johannsen, RSM’s Sustainability Co-ordinator and Positive Change Student Assistant Quint van Stuivenberg.

The aim of the web-based dashboard is to gain the trust and support of stakeholders at the same time as it fosters organisational awareness of the SDGs. It will give a baseline from which to measure progress.

Having this SDG Dashboard means that RSM will be prepared when mandatory reporting of sustainability is introduced and will help the School to provide data to all its stakeholders.

Metrics Matrix has adopted a system of tracking, assessing and rating from the Association of Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) to guide them as they began their deep examination of the School’s activities. The team is also working on the project university-wide.

The Metrics Matrix team members

  • Danai Bachari (Dutch) MSc Supply Chain Management
  • Demi Bartels (Dutch) MSc Global Business and Sustainability
  • Yvan Fafchamps (American/Belgian) MSc Master in Management
  • Vojtech Gorecki (Czech) MSc Business Information Management and MSc Innovation Management
  • Tara van Leeuwen (Dutch/Surinamese Indian) MSc Business Information Management
  • Jeanette Mauderer (German) MScBA Master in Management
  • Anabel Mocanu (Romanian) MScBA Master in Management
  • Tobias Sanden (Brazilian/German) MSc Business Information Management

More information

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) is one of Europe’s top-ranked business schools. RSM provides ground-breaking research and education furthering excellence in all aspects of management and is based in the international port city of Rotterdam – a vital nexus of business, logistics and trade. RSM’s primary focus is on developing business leaders with international careers who can become a force for positive change by carrying their innovative mindset into a sustainable future. Our first-class range of bachelor, master, MBA, PhD and executive programmes encourage them to become critical, creative, caring and collaborative thinkers and doers.

For more information about RSM or this release, please contact Erika Harriford-McLaren, communications manager for RSM, on +31 10 408 2877 or by email at

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