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Tine De Moor has been appointed Professor of Social Enterprise & Institutions for Collective Action at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM). Professor De Moor will conduct research into the creation, functioning and evolution of social enterprises and their evolving role in the development of a more sustainable economy, with particular attention to the rise of institutions for collective action in European society. This new Chair, which starts on 1 September 2020, will be sponsored by the Dutch bank ABN AMRO and has been jointly initiated by Social Enterprise NL and the department of Business-Society Management at RSM.

“As a scientist, I want to be at the heart of society, focus on important social themes, and enter into dialogue with citizens, governments, and companies,” says Professor Tine De Moor. She adds that it fascinates her to discover how organisations can be made resilient through historical insights, and resilient to future challenges. “The many disciplines represented within RSM make it possible to study organisations from many different perspectives, and to connect academic research more to the grand challenges our society is currently facing.”

Development and impact

Eric Buckens, director of the ABN AMRO Social Impact Fund: “ABN AMRO strives to support the development, impact and importance of social enterprises. This chair will help strengthen the focus on this development from an academic perspective. It is very important to do research on this specific topic and understand the function and growing impact of the social enterprise in our economy.” ABN AMRO has been active in the field of social enterprises for about ten years. The bank has made a significant contribution to the development of social enterprises, including through the ABN AMRO Social Impact Fund, often in collaboration with other investors, social organizations and governments.

Professor De Moor is ‘an outstanding economic historian, and a leading expert on social enterprise and the management and governance of institutions for collective action’, according to Professor Ansgar Richter, dean of RSM. He added these include co-operatives and mutual organisations that make up a significant share of the economy. “We are extremely happy to have attracted Tine de Moor to join us. And we are deeply grateful for ABN AMRO for their generous support of this new Chair at RSM.”

De Moor’s expertise in this field has been widely recognised. She recently won a Vici grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO) worth € 1.5m, which she will use at RSM for the research project UNICA. Building a UNified theory for the development and resilience of Institutions for Collective Action for Europe in the past millennium.


More information

Prof. Tine De Moor holds a PhD in history from Ghent University (2003) and a postgraduate in environmental sciences from the University of Antwerp (1999). In December 2012, she was appointed Professor of Institutions for Collective Action in historical perspective at the Faculty of Humanities, Department of History & Art History at Utrecht University, a position she held until her transfer to RSM. At her previous position, De Moor conducted research into the creation, functioning and evolution of institutions for collective action, past and present, from the late medieval period in Europe until today. Institutions for collective action are organisations formed by citizens who are the immediate stakeholders, aiming to work together to pursue both personal and societal interests. Some of the issues she studies with her research team include the many energy and care co-operatives that have developed over the past decennia, the evolution of consumer co-operatives, the initiatives of citizens involved in short chain food supply, the formation of platform co-operatives and the renewal of the mutual as a form of insurance for the self-employed. She has also been researching labour market participation and household formation patterns over the past millennium, and she has been actively involved in developing innovative research methods, through for example several Citizen Science Projects. She has been president of the International Association for the Study of the Commons and has set-up the peer-reviewed International Journal of the Commons, and she acts as expert in several national and international boards. In the past 10 years she received several large research grants, such as an ERC Starting Grant, an NWO-Vidi and an NWO-Vici. Please visit for more information.

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) is one of Europe’s top-ranked business schools. RSM provides ground-breaking research and education furthering excellence in all aspects of management and is based in the international port city of Rotterdam – a vital nexus of business, logistics and trade. RSM’s primary focus is on developing business leaders with international careers who can become a force for positive change by carrying their innovative mindset into a sustainable future. Our first-class range of bachelor, master, MBA, PhD and executive programmes encourage them to become critical, creative, caring and collaborative thinkers and doers.

For more information about RSM or this release, please contact Erika Harriford-McLaren, communications manager for RSM, on +31 10 408 2877 or by email at

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