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Νέα ηγεσία του Ταμείου Αξιοποίησης Ιδιωτικής Περιουσίας του Δημοσίου
Νέα ηγεσία του Ταμείου Αξιοποίησης Ιδιωτικής Περιουσίας του Δημοσίου
There is a change of leadership in the Helenic Republic Asset Development Fund. Paschalis Bouchoris, MBA alumni of RSM, is proposed a function as CEO of HRADF by the finance ministry of Greece.
There is a change of Leadership in the Helenic Republic Asset Development Fund. Paschalis Bouchoris, MBA alumni of RSM, is proposed a function as CEO of HRADF by the finance ministry of Greece.