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Thema-avond over de toekomst van 'het boek' in De Kring
Thema-avond over de toekomst van 'het boek' in De Kring
On January 9th, a protest meeting will be held in bookstore 'Het Verboden Rijk' in Roosendaal, that will have to close down 2 days later. The action is held within the context of Save the Retail. Cor Molenaar will be one of the speakers.
On January 9th, a protest meeting will be held in bookstore 'Het Verboden Rijk' in Roosendaal, that will have to close down 2 days later. The action is held within the context of Save the Retail. Cor Molenaar will be one of the speakers.
Role: Faculty
Reference type: Referenced
Pleij, J.
Role: General
Reference type: Journalist