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Verklaring van de hoogte van CEO-beloningen voor Nederlandse beursgenoteerde ondernemingen
Verklaring van de hoogte van CEO-beloningen voor Nederlandse beursgenoteerde ondernemingen
This study explains the level of CEO compensations for Dutch listed companies. The researchers refer to a study by Mertens and Knop: "The impact of ownership and board structure on CEO compensation in the Netherlands".
This study explains the level of CEO compensations for Dutch listed companies. The researchers refer to a study by Mertens and Knop: "The impact of ownership and board structure on CEO compensation in the Netherlands".
Role: Former faculty
Reference type: Referenced
Janssen, B.; Tijhaar, T.; Volmer, F.
Role: General
Reference type: Journalist
Media Outlets
Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie (MAB) (Magazine)