Rotterdam school of Management, Erasmus University compact logo

Business schools are increasingly focusing on societal impact as a core part of their missions, moving away from merely preparing graduates for profit-focused careers. Some strategies for achieving this shift include prioritizing research with impact, shaping globalization for good, teaching purpose-driven leadership, becoming net-zero campuses, sharing stories of impactful leaders, gamifying impact, setting formal impact objectives, and embedding the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals into their curricula and initiatives. These initiatives reflect a growing trend in business education toward a "people, planet, and prosperity" approach.


  • Erika Harriford-McLaren
    Role: Staff
    Reference type: Referenced
  • Eva Rood
    Role: Staff
    Reference type: Referenced
  • Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
    Role: General
    Reference type: Referenced

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  • AACSB (Online)