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Not only research & development departments ensure innovation within a company. Good innovative ideas often also come from the rest of the staff. It is not without reason that all employees are now expected to do more than perform their tasks properly. Everyone is called upon to contribute ideas about the organization as a whole.

The answer to stimulate this is simple: change their workplace.

Philipp B. Cornelius, university lecturer in technology and operations management at the RSM of Erasmus University, his colleague Fabian J. Sting, professor of digital supply chain innovation at the same business program and Bilal Gokpinar, professor of operations, technology and innovation at the London School of Management base that conclusion on their comprehensive research at an international auto parts supplier.


  • Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
    Role: General
    Reference type: Referenced
  • Philipp Cornelius
    Role: Faculty
    Reference type: Quoted
  • Fabian Sting
    Role: Faculty
    Reference type: Quoted

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