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Online meetings have become a necessary evil. While some people don’t seem to mind working from home on a purely virtual basis, many of us certainly miss the face-to-face interactions and are keen for working life to get back to normal. But even after the COVID-19 crisis, it’s likely the future of work will be a hybrid of traditional and virtual practices, meaning it is likely that we’ll still be engaging in yet more online meetings after the crisis has passed.

Whilst the purpose of the video call is to close the physical gap between people and boost social interaction, for many, the endless Zoom meetings, virtual team-building events and video conferences are becoming tiresome, exhausting and draining, rather than shaking us out of our solitude and filling us with energy (although there certainly are exceptions).

This article explains what is going wrong and what causes this exhaustion. 


  • Antonie Knoppers
    Role: Student
    Reference type: Written by
  • Milly Obdeijn
    Role: Student
    Reference type: Written by
  • Steffen Giessner
    Role: Faculty
    Reference type: Written by

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