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Article about the impact of the intelligent lockdown and COVID measurements on mental, social and economic health.

Professor of Behavior & Performance Management at the RSM Michaéla Schippers has written a clear, but worrisome article about the collateral damage that the measures, based on an unreliable test method, cause to society and the economy, under the name For the Greater Good?

The Devastating Ripple Effects of the Lockdown Measures (2020). Schippers discusses the negative effects of the measures (depression, deteriorated immune system, expected increase in poverty, etc.) that are substantiated by scientific studies, in contrast to the presumed positive effects of the announced measures, which have no scientific substantiation.


  • Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
    Role: General
    Reference type: Referenced
  • Michaéla Schippers
    Role: Faculty
    Reference type: Referenced

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