Rotterdam school of Management, Erasmus University compact logo
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The programme is organized in 8 residential modules, consisting of 3-5 consecutive days each. This setup makes it perfect also for participants residing outside the Netherlands, as they only have to travel a limited number of times to Rotterdam. The 4 mandatory modules in year 1 take place every 2-3 months. 


Last update:
Thursday, 30 November 2023

The programme fee is € 10,000 per year for the first two years, €7,000 per year for years 3 and 4, and €6,000 for each subsequent year, up to a maximum of €46,000.

Last update:
Wednesday, 6 September 2023

From academic year 2021 on, RSM offers a yearly maximum of two scholarships for the part-time PhD program. These are meant to support excellent candidates who are not able to financially sustain the program participation from own resources.  The scholarship covers the tuition costs.

Candidates who wish to apply for such a scholarship need to indicate this in their application for the program and credibly demonstrate that a scholarship is a necessary condition for their participation. This implies that other options for financial support, like a contribution from the employer or a research scholarship from different organizations have been investigated by the candidate prior to the application.

Under all candidates eligible for the scholarship, the selection will be made based on excellence.

The continuation of the scholarships will be decided on a yearly basis, based on progress made and ongoing need for financial support.  

Last update:
Thursday, 30 November 2023

If you have a personal contact with a professor, you may contact them directly to see whether they are interested in your project and/or acting as a supervisor for your project. If you don’t have a connection yet, we advise you to contact a Professor or a Associate professor (within you are of interest), sending “they”/them a small Research proposal and see what happens. In case you don’t have a connection, that will be done, in case you are accepted in the PT PhD Program.

Last update:
Thursday, 30 November 2023

For the 2024 cohort we aim to have approximately 15/20 candidates. Our acceptance number depends on the number of supervisors available.

Last update:
Thursday, 30 November 2023

We are sorry, but if you missed the deadline you will need to wait to apply next year. 

Last update:
Thursday, 30 November 2023

This will depend on the nature of the courses followed and any exemptions will be decided on a case-by-case basis. However, the modules are organized in such a way that they build upon one another, so following the entire course programme is recommended.  

Last update:
Thursday, 30 November 2023

You can find the information here.

Last update:
Wednesday, 6 December 2023

If you have a personal contact with a professor, you may contact them directly to see whether they are interested in your project and/or acting as a supervisor for your project. If you don’t have a connection yet it is best to start by looking at our research are descriptions (link “Open PhD projects”) and connect your research idea to one of the themes described there in your application. We will then (try to) match you with interested faculty members, during the application period.

Last update:
Thursday, 30 November 2023

No, this is not mandatory. It is mandatory to submit a sample of academic writing, which can be a research proposal, but could also be a thesis excerpt or a paper.

However, it increases your chances of acceptance.

Last update:
Thursday, 30 November 2023

Have a look at our research areas (link “Open PhD projects”) and try to connect your idea to the themes described there. Have a look at the (academic) literature regarding these themes and topics: To what extent is your question already answered? To what extent is it new, and adds to the body of knowledge that is already there? Have similar problems been researched in the literature – and how have researchers approached them? Would that approach also work for your question?

The research proposal that you submit in your application (if any) will serve as a first point of departure with your potential supervisors, and will develop over the first year in the programme into a proper academic research proposal.  

Last update:
Thursday, 30 November 2023

Have a look at our Dissertations or Open Projects to check some of the topics. 

Last update:
Thursday, 30 November 2023