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When private markets are beginning to suffer the consequences of collapsing ecosystems, this timely new series of short podcasts examines where change is needed most in finance and investments – and the first two episodes feature RSM academics specialising in sustainable finance. The five-part series the Purpose of finance and investment considers the call for financial decision-making from investors on capital markets, CFOs within companies and governmental policy makers in the light of the worlds’ severe challenges on sustainable development.

The series is created by De Vereniging van Beleggers voor Duurzame Ontwikkeling (VBDO), the Dutch association of investors for sustainable development, and features 10 experts exploring and reconsidering some of the most fundamental guiding principles of current financial and sustainable decision-making frameworks.

Episode 1 – the origins of finance and investment

The first episode features Prof. Dirk Schoenmaker Professor of Banking and Finance at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) and Xander Urbach, Senior Project Manager Responsible Investment for VBDO. Their 17-minute podcast on Spotify is titled The Origins of Finance and Investment and reconnects listeners with the foundations of the approach to finance and investment by asking questions such as: ‘What have governments done to govern and guide the force of market coordination?’ and ‘Will sustainable finance solve the disconnect between finance and the realworld?’

Episode 2 – an evolving approach to risk
Episode 2 - an evolving approach to risk features Prof. Mathijs van Dijk, Professor of Business Administration at RSM and scientific director of think tank Netspar, the Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement, plus Chris Canavan, managing director at Lion's Head Global Partners. The two experts discuss what’s meant when talking about risk, and answer questions such as: ‘How is risk understood in sustainable finance?’, and ‘Will an Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risk approach suffice to realise real-world sustainability?’.

The podcasts are produced and presented by Jacqueline Duiker of VBDO.

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