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The PrC offers a range of practical stand-alone tools to help practitioners navigate their partnership practices. They have been developed in close collaboration with practitioners from both public and private sectors and support mutual learning. In addition, we co-created a number of tools, combining our expertise and knowledge with other partnerships specialists.

Tools developed with others

The PEP Facility is inspired by the following inquiry: ‘What will it take to unleash the partnering potential for the SDGs?’  It aims to promote better access to proven partnering knowledge and expertise; and to identify and fill gaps in knowledge and expertise. PEP identified 5 crucial factors to the partnering process, which makes partnering more effective:

1. Context, reach and impact 

2. Strategy and partnership development

3. Collaboration and communication

4. Governance and resourcing

5. Learning

PEP’s ambition is to help increase accessibility and reduce duplication of effort by making it easier to get answers to your partnering questions.

More info: Marieke de Wal

Together with SNV, Aqua for All and the Centre for Development Innovation of Wageningen University we collaborated in the PPPLab, a learning and knowledge initative funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. PPPLab extracted lessons from and on public-private partnerships (PPPs) that can be used to improve both implementation and policy.

PPPLab developed the PPPCanvas, a tool that can be used to analyze the business model of the PPP, including what value is being delivered, how partners aim to deliver this value and to whom exactly. Like the Business Model Canvas, it helps to visualize, design and pivot a business model.

Moreover, PPPLab provides tools around partneringscaling PPPs and financing PPPs.

More info: Marieke de Wal

PrC Tools