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Together with Professional Women's Network Netherlands we are hosting an online dialogue on The No Club: Putting a Stop to Women's Dead-End Work.

Non-promotable tasks (NPT) hold women back. Join our online dialogue with the co-author of The No Club Laurie Weingart to discover why, and learn how to free yourself from NPTs.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to engage in a dialogue with Laurie Weingart, co-author of The No Club: Putting a Stop to Women's Dead-End Work. This book is a practical and timely guide to achieving gender equity in the workplace by alleviating women's careers from unrewarded work.

Weingart is an organisational behavior professor whose research focuses on team collaboration, conflict, and negotiation. She explores how differences among individuals can both facilitate and impede effective problem-solving and dispute resolution.

This online discussion will be moderated by Prof. Hanneke Takkenberg, Executive Director of the Erasmus Centre for Women and Organisations (ECWO) and Professor of Clinical Decision Making in Cardio-Thoracic Interventions at Erasmus MC, and PWN's Book club lead, Rayna Spasova-van Aalst.

Don't miss this transformative discussion! Mark your calendar and make sure to explore "The No Club" before the event.

You can register on this link or by visiting

About Laurie Weingart

Laurie R. Weingart is the Richard M. and Margaret S. Cyert Professor of Organizational Behavior and Theory at Carnegie Mellon University’s Tepper School of Business in Pittsburgh, PA - USA. She is the chair of CMU’s Faculty Senate and co-leads the Collaboration and Conflict Research Lab. She formerly served as CMU’s Chief Academic Officer/Provost (interim), and as Senior Associate Dean of Education within the Tepper School.

Coauthor of "The No Club: Putting a Stop to Women’s Dead-End Work", her research and teaching examines collaboration, conflict, and negotiation, with a focus on how differences across people both help and hinder effective problem solving and innovation. Professor Weingart has published over 80 articles and book chapters in the fields of management, psychology, and economics. An elected Fellow of the Academy of Management and recipient of the Joseph E. McGrath Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Study of Groups, her award-winning research has been covered by major news outlets in the US and around the world.

More information

The Erasmus Centre for Women and Organisations (ECWO) is committed to fostering inclusion. Our founding purpose in 2014 was to empower women and to create a level playing field by building communities for organisational change. Today, ECWO has expanded its perspective to embrace a wider vision of a world of inclusive prosperity. Our new mission is to create a sense of belonging for everyone within organisations through diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), anchored in social safety. We strive for settings where everyone feels valued, respected and supported. We conduct research and produce evidence-led educational programmes, events, coaching, advocacy, and advisory services. We stay true to our roots, and we have evolved to recognise that achieving true inclusion and equity requires encompassing all, regardless of gender or identity.

EC for women and organisations