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Cynthia Everduin
Cynthia Everduin

Get on board with WISTA’s board members

Originally posted on 24 September 2020

The Women’s International Shipping and Trading Association (WISTA) Nederland was established in 2000 and comprises members who work at management level in the Dutch maritime industry. Its aim is to inspire, energise, motivate and educate women in the maritime industry, to increase their competence and empower them in their careers.

ECWO posed questions to WISTA’s board members to find out more about working in the maritime industry and why it is an underrated, yet highly attractive, career option for young women. We also asked the board members to share their role models.

Cynthia Everduin is a SSHEQ manager (Safety, Security, Health, Environment and Quality) at De Bock Maritiem - a small emerging shipping company that currently owns and manages eight vessels, specialised in the sea-river trade.

How can the visibility of women in the maritime industry be increased?

One of the most beautiful things we learned during the two-day Women in Leadership training at ECWO was that we must never speak negatively about other women. The quote from Dianne Bevelander - ‘Speak positively about other women or say nothing at all’ - says everything. If all women in the maritime industry keep being as passionate as we are now, there is no way anyone can get around us. Influence your network with the milestones and achievements you and other women reach and continue to spread the word. Talk with boys and girls and men and women to gain more knowledge of our beautiful, comprehensive and dynamic industry. Women must inspire women!

Who is your role model?

Michelle Obama is an inspirational woman in many ways. Having a great career as a lawyer, combining this with raising children and always supporting others (her husband, younger generations) is something that I really admire and that inspires me.

More information

The Erasmus Centre for Women and Organisations (ECWO) is committed to women’s continued advancement into leadership positions across multiple sectors – from multinationals and start-ups to not-for-profit organisations. ECWO supports gender-balanced leadership through its management educationresearch and events about gender equality, and by coaching female business leaders. Its strong network leads to women empowerment and gender equality to the benefit of business and society.

EC for women and organisations , ECWO Storytelling