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Opening – Prof. Hanneke Takkenberg, Executive Director, ECWO
''Where now meets next': DEI and the value of getting women connected to become agents of innovative change'' Denise Abbott (Senior Vice President of HR for FedEx Europe)
"Creating space and stage to reconnect” Wing Tang (co-founder Women Connected)
Coffee Break
"Engaging boys and men in gender justice" Jens van Tricht (founder and director of Emancipator)
Panel Discussion: (Re)connecting (Wo)men
– moderated by Prof. Hanneke Takkenberg/ Prof. Mike Page
Wing Tang – Women Connected, Jens van Tricht – Emancipator, Thais Souza – PWN Netherlands
12:30 – 13:15
Networking lunch
13:15 – 13:30
Short walk over to Bayle Building
13:30 - 14:30
The role of storytelling in connecting and belonging
No No No! What would happen if YOU were your first priority?
Location:Room JB-49, Bayle Building.
Menstrual health at work - re-imagining organisations to improve wellbeing, prevent burnout and change cultures.
Location:Room JB-41, Bayle Building.
Embodied networking: caring for the living dimensions of networks.
Location:Room JB-50, Bayle Building.
Roundtable Discussions
Empowering female entrepreneurship and leadership.
Location:Room J1-33, Bayle Building.
Linzi Fidelin, co-founder of Ani’s World; Kaat Zoontjens, Drama Director Women Connected; Mary Jane Roy, co-author and publisher of the book 'Ready for Female Leadership: The Future is NOW'. This workshop will include the launch of the ECWO book club.
Location:Room JB-44, Bayle Building.
Prof. Nicola Kleyn, Dean: Executive Education at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) and Prof. Hanneke Takkenberg, Executive Director ECWO.
Maria Carmen Punzi, PhD candidate, Rotterdam School of Management and menstrual health activist.
Dr. Valérie M. Saintot lawyer, adjunct professor at SKEMA business school, researcher, and mindfulness teacher.
Roundtable Discussions
The power of connections and role models (Roundtable Discussions) – SHE LEADS/Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship: Katty Hsu, Senior Researcher; Irene Tsitse, Researcher; Robin Driessen, Education Programme Manager.
14:30 - 14:45
Return to plenary: Forumzaal, Van der Goot building
14:45- 15:15
Presentation of the inaugural Dianne Bevelander Prize Award
– Dr. Natalie Cleton, Faculty, ECWO. Short address by winner Geke Rosier, founder of RightBrains
15:15 - 15:30
Presentation of ECWO’s research results
into the degree and need for commitment and cooperation among professional and industry-focused women’s organisations and networks in the Netherlands – Kirsten Kardijk, Researcher, ECWO
15:30 – 16:00
Closing keynote speaker - Against the tide: women in economics
– Prof. Henriette Prast, economist and member of the Senate, Partij voor de Dieren