Rotterdam school of Management, Erasmus University compact logo

Vishal Gupta

Nationality: Indian
Age: 31
Last job title: team leader network planning and strategy at Reliance BP Mobility Ltd.
Previous degree: bachelor of technology in mechanical engineering at NIT, Bhopal

1. Why did you choose to go back to school for an MBA? 

“In my career of seven years, I learned some basic knowledge of business but needed more depth and tools, for example how finance and operations work. There’s so much more I could learn. I needed a break from my career to do a formal study. I wanted to experience working with people from different backgrounds. RSM’s international exposure is unfathomed which is a key learning point here. Everyone comes from everywhere. Also, I come from the oil and gas industry and RSM has a focus on sustainability. I wanted to dive deeper into that.”

2. How is the MBA preparing you to do business in a world in motion? 

“In our MBA classes, we learn how to consider risks in decision-making processes. Some things aren’t in your hands. We learn the tools in case studies and discussions with people on how to adapt in times of uncertainty and how to incorporate changes when needed."

3. How would you describe your RSM MBA experience so far?

“In only a few months I’ve met so many new people. I understand so much more about various cultures and learned new skills in how to work with different people. These new perspectives are an amazing experience. Also, Rotterdam is a great place to live in. There’s easy public transportation and I can live sustainably in an urban area. I’m learning to cycle in traffic. I feel better about not getting in a car all the time, and it’s healthier too.

4. What has been the most challenging assignment or course during the MBA?

“I’d have to say financial management. I had no experience in this, and I had to learn all the financial jargon. We had to analyse a real company’s financial statements and risks. It was a good experience as I had no idea about all this. I’m happy with my work in this, and we found good solutions for the company.”

5. In what way has the Personal Leadership Development programme (PLD) affected you?

“This is one of the best things here. These skills will help in my professional and personal life. I didn’t only learn about how I act, I’m also learning why I act like that. It helps me reflect on myself and how I can be a better leader.”

6. How are you planning to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals through business - now and in the future?  

“I was working in oil and gas, and plan to go back to this sector after my MBA. There are high carbon emissions in this industry. I want to go into green fuels, and work to improve cleaner energy and make sure more people have access to this cleaner energy. This is also my I WILL ambition.”

7. How have you utilised RSM’s alumni network and the career development team?

“I connect with alumni through RSM MentorMe to explore how they work in clean energy and what kind of role I can play in there. They are so helpful. Alumni also give me great insight into entrepreneurship. The career team also helps steer you in the direction I can go. My career coach helps in how to create my own path, helps to build connections and supports in your job search. The team is easy to reach and helps with tools to profile yourself better.”

8. What does the future hold for you?

“I hope to stay in the Netherlands for at least the next five years to I can explore and experience the European market. I’m learning so much knowledge and building an incredible network that I’ll benefit from my whole life. The MBA has sparked an interest in supply chain, but being here also confirmed that the oil and gas industry is the right fit for me. Eventually I’d like to move back to India and lead an oil and gas company, and make it cleaner and more accessible for everyone.”