Rotterdam school of Management, Erasmus University compact logo

Leading your organisation to a brighter, more sustainable future calls for vision. It calls for the ability to see the way ahead and navigate the risks as well as the opportunities that are reshaping our world. Leading your organisation also calls for the advanced technical and interpersonal skills that can ignite inspiration, mobilise and empower other people to give and to be their best. But how does this all come together in practice?

The RSM Global Executive MBA integrates two leadership development journeys that will accelerate your personal, technical and strategic leadership capabilities; and equip you to lead your organisation towards sustainable growth with clarity, confidence and certainty.

You will work with our faculty and coaches to develop your Personal Leadership capabilities to better align and empower your teams.
Together we will explore what it takes to:
  • Cultivate and sustain curiosity and connect effectively with others
  • Navigate power and politics within the organisation
  • Building and sharing a sense of purpose.
Career development journey

Your Strategic Leadership development journey will focus in on the attitudes and skills that you need to enhance to become a strategic leader of the organisation as a whole, whether you are functioning in or at one level from the C-Suite.

You will become highly adept at:

  • Monitoring the performance of the business as a whole
  • Diagnosing, identifying, and defining problems at a strategic level
  • Developing a vision for the business
  • Translating that vision into strategic objectives
  • Making effective strategic decisions and deploying the resources to implement them.
  • Implementing strategic/ C-suite decisions
Alumni network

You’re in good company.

Your journey at RSM does not end with graduation. On completing your GEMBA successfully, you join our global RSM alumni community; a world-class network of nearly 50,000 change-makers. Our alumni span the globe and represent a diversity of industries and sectors.

We are a learning and support community offering all of our alumni a full schedule of services, from annual reunions to conferences, social events, educational sessions and discussion panels with experts. We also offer an exclusive service, RSM MentorMe, connecting current students with RSM alumni and to grow the spirit of RSM – to be a force for positive change that helps people and organisations to thrive worldwide.

Career services

For senior leaders seeking to advance their careers, our Career Centre team provides comprehensive support every step of the way.

We understand that as an experienced leader, you may be looking to take on more responsibility within your organization, or expand your expertise to new functions or geographies. That's why we offer a range of tailored services, including workshops, company presentations, one-on-one career coaching, and professional development sessions with a seasoned mentor.

Our goal is to empower you to achieve your objectives, by helping you define your career goals, and providing you with the leadership skills and tools needed to succeed in today's ever-changing business landscape.

The student is guided by the Career Coach to develop key career-related areas, such as exploring the market, developing networks and self-marketing as well as upgrading career skills. These coaches will help you develop the necessary skills to land your next career opportunity.

The RSM MentorMe tool connects GEMBA students, who would like to discuss their career options, to Alumni who volunteered to mentor.

RSM has a closed LinkedIn group to share vacancies among GEMBA participants and alumni.

Do you have any questions?

Would you like extra information? We are here to help!