Rotterdam school of Management, Erasmus University compact logo

Charlotte Lowther

Nationality: British
Job title: Director omnichannel strategy at PVH Europe (Tommy Hilfiger and Calvin Klein)
Previous degree: BSc fashion manager and material science, University of Manchester

1. Why did you choose an EMBA at RSM?

“It was always part of my path to do an MBA. Through an MBA I can bring external knowledge into my own development and into our company strategy. RSM offers that balance between management topics and courses on leadership elements. It’s a changemaker in leadership. RSM is also very diverse in terms of industries and nationalities, which reflects my working environment and gives me wider perspectives.”

2. What expectations do you have studying for your EMBA in a world in motion?

“The topics we work on as leaders will never be the same. In fashion, things constant change too. You need the capability to solve a problem you haven’t heard before. At RSM, we learn frameworks in management, change management and operations to deal with this. The pandemic accelerated changes in the world and particularly in the fashion retail industry. We’re talking about a virtual world and virtual clothing now. The EMBA is preparing me with powerful tools because I feel like can answer any question now.”

3. How would you describe your RSM MBA experience?

“I’m impressed and enjoying the variety. I learn a lot from the diversity of the people I’m working with. And the topics: there’s a constant balance from finance and accounting, to strategic management and leadership. The professors are from all over the world and from different business schools. You get an insight in business through a global MBA. This is really valuable.”

4. What has been the biggest adjustment for you, while living in the Netherlands?

“I’ve lived in Amsterdam for more than seven years now. I’ve learned that there’s not one way to approach things. My environment here is very international. You learn different perceptions when living abroad. And everything is new, which opens up your mind. We’re all different in a very good way.”

5. What has been the most challenging so far?

“The most challenging element of EMBA is adapting to the schedule alongside work and a personal life. But, identifying what is important to you and your drive for being in the EMBA supports to find a way of working that works for you. I’m on a new schedule. You have to find what’s important to you and decide where to focus your energy. For me, that’s on leadership and strategic management. But everyone has a different reason for being here.”

6. In what way has the Personal Leadership Development programme (PLD) affected you?

“I’m passionate about developing myself as a future leader. PLD is so valuable. I enjoyed the life journey and executive coaching, individually as well as in a group. It’s helped me to improve my self-awareness and reflects on my purpose. I’ve seen a change in my behaviour, and it’s embedded in every element of my work. It’s impressive that we’re given this as part of the course.”

7. If you had to choose one Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), which one would you choose?

“They’re all important. You need to find your purpose and ability to make a change. I want to focus on circularity as being critical for the fashion retail industry to evolve. I’m also passionate about inclusivity and creating an environment where people from all backgrounds have an opportunity to thrive and be successful. I pay attention to this in the recruitment process.”

8. What advice could you give to people who are considering doing an MBA?

“Connect with your ‘why’. What’s your reason for wanting an EMBA? What do you want to achieve by it? Be open to all the things you can get out of your EMBA. Remember your purpose, even when some priorities shift.”