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Annette van Lochem

Nationality: Dutch
Age: 40
Job title: European marketing manager at ViiV, part of GSK
Previous degree: dual degree bachelor in international business at Breda University of Applied Sciences and Eastern Kentucky University 

1. Why did you choose to go back to school for an MBA? 

“I’ve been working in marketing and sales for pharmaceutical companies for years, and want to develop into general management but it’s not easy to move to another area. I needed broader perspectives, and the EMBA brings this. I also wanted to prove to myself that I can do this, and I’m proud of my grades. I chose RSM because of the EMBA programme is rated the highest in the Netherlands, and for its Personal Leadership Development component. I look forward to the sessions on campus because it supports rich discussions, and there’s a fantastic networking element to that too.” 

2. What is the RSM MBA culture like? 

“We have good in-depth discussions and simultaneously have a lot of fun together. We dive into relevant topics, and combine theory with current practice. It’s formal when it needs to be, and fun and supportive at the same time. We have healthy relationships and no psychological wars which I find valuable.” 

3. What has been the most challenging assignment or course so far?

“Account management is tough, because I’m a visual thinker and my brain can’t translate accounting to images. By pushing beyond my comfort zone, I’m teaching myself that I can climb that mountain too. I will reach the top of the mountain step by step.” 

4. How have you applied new knowledge and skills from both inside and outside of the classroom in your current role?

“Generally, I’ve created a broader scope which helps me to further increase my strategic thinking and look into possibilities. The new knowledge and perspectives, combined with an increased self-belief helps me to further excel in what I do – at work and in my private life.”

5. What impact does the Personal Leadership Development (PLD) component of the programme have on you?

“I sometimes have the imposter syndrome, but I’ve learned to reflect more and discovered that my critical notes to myself aren’t correct nor fair. PLD is helping me become a stronger self. I talk more positively to myself, and feel like I’m a good leader. I always get feedback from my team that I’m a good listener and support when necessary. I used to think senior people were too busy to listen to me, but now I believe that what I bring is important, so I dare to stand up more.” 

6. Has your MBA journey changed your outlook on your career?

“I want to move forward in my company. I love being part of ViiV and GSK. We’re doing well performance wise, we add value for patients, and in the team there’s a respectful vibe. Ideally, I want to continue to grow within the company, and I’m asking for more diverse projects. I want to apply my EMBA learnings, and bring this new knowledge into practice.”

7. What does the future hold for you?

“Some say you need to plan your future, otherwise you won’t achieve your goals. Others say you shouldn’t plan too much because you might miss a good opportunity. I’ve always progressed, I’m curious, and I grab challenges. I find it important to continue adding value to my company and myself. I certainly have plans, but nothing is set in stone. Although I’m being seen as a strong person, I’m learning to further believe in myself and have more confidence. This will bring me even more opportunities, as this, and the EMBA, increases my learning and chances quicker.”  

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