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Aaron Tjong-A-Tjoe

Nationality: Dutch
Age: 39
Job title: IT consultant at Stichting Beheer ICT Rechtshandhaving, and owner and director of Sonic IT 
Previous degree: bachelor in business informatics from Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences

1. Why did you choose to go back to school for an MBA? 

“I always worked as an IT consultant for a large company. Then I started my own business. I felt like I needed training on people management, leadership and business. I toyed with the idea of an MBA for years, and then decided to go for it. RSM was the first school I thought of – Rotterdam feels like my home away from home, and RSM has a great reputation. The Executive MBA suits me best because of my experience, and I can continue with my work abroad in an online setting.”

2. What is the RSM MBA culture like? 

“People are driven and serious. I work together with people who are knowledgeable and want to do something good at the top of their abilities. All our courses cover all facets of business – not just the parts that make money. We focus on sustainable and social developments, and everything we learn is future-focused.”

3. What has been the most challenging assignment or course so far?

“Marketing management and the psychology behind it was a real eye-opener. I have IT experience, but this is a lot more people-stuff, like how people react and how we can influence their behaviour. It was new to me, and we had a lot of assignments for this course. We did a simulation, in which you had to make decisions for a company based on annual reports, for example about budgets or new products in a time crunch. It was a challenge, but also a highlight!” 

4. How have you applied new knowledge and skills from both inside and outside of the classroom in your current role?

“I knew two cultures before my EMBA: that of Curaçao and the Netherlands from my study time in Rotterdam. Now I work with people from so many different cultural and work backgrounds. I see what a difference that makes in how people think and work. That made me more aware and cautious. I make fewer assumptions, and am more busy thinking about why people do what they do, and how their perspectives are different than what I thought I knew. This helps me think in a broader way.”

5. What impact does the Personal Leadership Development (PLD) component of the programme have on you?

“I knew myself well before the EMBA, but I couldn’t put this into words. PLD helps me understand who I am, why I behave in certain ways, how I lead, and how I do stuff. It’s a good reflection on decisions I make in business and people relationships. As a result, I’ve been much more patient in meetings. I always try to get things done as fast as possible and stick to the topic without endless discussions. After our 360-degree feedback, I realised people should have the time to say what they need to say. I’ve become more open.” 

6. How is an MBA from RSM setting you apart from your colleagues and peers?

“A lot of SDGs are a big challenge in Curaçao, and there’s not much awareness. I plan to put these into practice through my business and my clients when advising them as an IT consultant. Having an MBA from a renowned business school is a huge asset. It’s not only international education, you bring back so much international experience. My leadership skills really stand out more, and we learn on a more global podium – these are unique knowledge and skills. In Curaçao too, it’s all small scale and we do what we know best. I now have a way to view things ‘from the outside’.” 

7. What does the future hold for you?

“Before the Executive MBA, I didn’t have a clue about where I saw myself in the next five years. I plan to go back to Curaçao, but I’m starting to think of a bigger country where I can do bigger things. I never thought I’d be interested in higher management at a multinational company, but who knows. I might end up in a management position, something like international sales, managing multiple countries. Most likely, it will be something in the field of IT and technology. But for now, nothing is set in stone.”

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