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Peter Schonefeld

Senior Director at CLAAS KGaA mbH

There were strong cross-cultural interactions with other leaders, valuable time spent with the cohort, and a creative and professional atmosphere, learning from professors and managers with proven experience and knowledge. I learned to listen to my peers and interact with them more strongly than I had before. Understanding this leverage has increased the possibilities of developing my organisation further – and in a smarter way – than in the past. Understanding my impact, my power to influence, and the way I behave to consciously drive human developments and corporate developments is the biggest insight from the programme. I use this at work every day.

Insights as a leader in a complex organisational system

“I wanted to find a balanced mix of future-oriented knowledge and science – and practical experience – that I could apply in my daily work as a leader. My experiences of the programme exceeded my expectations: there were strong cross-cultural interactions with other leaders, valuable time spent with the cohort, and a creative and professional atmosphere as well as excellent facilities on campus. The opportunity to continue the day’s interactions into the evening gave me deeper insights about how others face their own leadership challenges and my own way of leadership.

I liked the progress I made and the professional way of working in an inspiring atmosphere at RSM, learning from professors and managers with proven experience and knowledge.

I´ve learned to listen to my peers and interact with them more strongly than I´ve done before. Understanding this leverage has increased the possibilities of developing my organisation further – and in a smarter way – than in the past.

As a leader you´re interacting within a complex organisational system, and understanding my impact, my power to influence, and the way I behave to consciously drive human developments and corporate developments is the biggest insight I got from the programme. I use this at work every day.

Understanding peoples’ behaviour in situations of smaller or huge change is a cornerstone of becoming a positive force for change in the organisation. Knowing how to lead yourself before understanding how to lead others – especially in situations of change – lays the foundation for future development.”

For more information about The Challenge of Leadership, see

Get your personal advice

Manjeet Kaur

Programme advisor

It's my priority to help you identify how you can meet your professional objectives, so reach out and let's make a plan for your personal development.