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Is your team, department or organisation feeling stagnant? In the current fast-moving, uncertain business climate, the solution to slowing growth and productivity is not simply hiring more people, but making every person on your team more productive. That’s why many employers are opting to upskill and reskill their workforce through targeted in-company training programmes.

Benefits of in-company training

  • Increased productivity.

    The future of the workforce is in skills. The mantra bigger is better is no longer being taken as gospel in modern business, as companies move towards in-company training to grow the capabilities of their people, rather than the size of their teams, to maximise productivity.

  • Improved job satisfaction.

    Now more than ever, people demand opportunities to grow and develop professionally and personally. Enriching your team with new skills, knowledge and perspectives will bring a greater feeling of wellbeing.

  • Reduced turnover.

    With more wellbeing, growth and a feeling of progression, you’ll find a drastically lower staff turnover. In-company training strengthens team bonds through shared experiences of growth and development.

  • Enhanced employee skills and knowledge.

    In the current skills economy, the most valuable asset is the knowledge-base of your teams. Ensure that your organisation is prepared for any disruption of transformation with in-company training.

Types of in-company training

  1. ​​​​​​Classroom-based training: Many companies favour leveraging the resources of a top-tier business school by holding their in-company training programmes in the classroom on RSM’s campus in Rotterdam.
  2. E-learning: For remote or global teams, online learning solutions are an ideal way to deliver effective in-company training programmes. RSM’s innovative digital tools and environment makes this a simple option for many companies who prefer e-learning.
  3. On-the-job training: Gaining practical skills often requires in-company training that is hands-on, delivered at your workplace so that the knowledge gained can be directly applied to work.

Implementing in-company training programmes

Five steps to maximise the effectiveness of an in-company training programme.

1. Identify training needs:

The first, and most vital step, is to understand deeply the challenges that your team faces. Does your team need better negotiation skills? Is there a blind spot in your organisation when it comes to digital transformation, or change management? RSM’s diverse catalogue of short courses can be delivered to your team in-company to best address the challenges your organisation faces.

2. Set objectives:

Once you understand the challenges you face, it’s important to set measurable objectives to ensure that you are getting the most from your investments in learning and development. RSM’s in-company training is designed to translate cutting-edge academic insight into directly-applicable skills so that your team can already take action and get results.

3. Develop training materials:

By delivering already-existing and proven RSM short courses in-company, the process of development is streamlined and agile. Little input is required to implement a targeted programme based off our short-courses, and our expert faculty have already crafted an effective learning journey for your team.

4. Deliver training sessions:

In-company training programmes can be delivered in a wide variety of formats – online, in your workplace, on RSM’s campus, or a hybrid mix. Evaluate what works best for your organisation and your team.

5. Evaluate training effectiveness:

Once the in-company training has been delivered, pay close attention to the growth and capabilities of your team. Our programmes are designed to teach skills that are immediately applicable to work, as well as provide new perspectives that can aid in long-term, sustainable growth.

The value of in-company training

In-company training can be a highly impactful initiative to increase productivity, employee wellbeing, and sustainable organisational growth. Top companies no longer see people development as a HR issue, but a priority for long-term corporate strategy. To compete in the skills economy, learning and development plays a key role in success.

RSM’s short courses on a variety of topics such as leadership, management, finance, digital transformation, change management and sustainability can be delivered personally to your team in-company.

What else do you want to know?

How we work together

Read more about our purpose-driven process of co-creation. 

Learn more

In-company training

Read more about our offering for smaller private group trainings. 

Customised programmes

Customised learning solutions to meet your organisation's needs. 

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Marcos Siqueira

Key Account Manager

Sandra Koopmans

Key Account Manager

Sharlene Bell

Key Account Manager