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How can your organisation be truly human-centred? Rapid developments in the field of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) have shown us that deep-rooted biases and power dynamics are holding back businesses and society. As an organisation, if you are not actively taking steps to support all of your people, regardless of identity, then you are losing talent and suppressing progress.

Positive change starts with transforming your people's understanding, perspective and skills to think progressively, act confidently, and take action. 

RSM's customised and in-company programmes for organisations are designed to empower your workforce to be changemakers, confident to make strides in building an equitable environment for everyone.

How DEI will be defined in the next 5 years

Truly diverse workforces

As barriers to access lower and efforts in diversify teams increase, organisations will be made up of multigenerational, multicultural individuals. Truly inclusive organisations will already have concrete steps in place to manage this. 

Increased investment in DEI

DEI initiatives cannot be ignored in the future of business, and companies are now placing higher financial, time and effort investments into formal DEI training, coaching, and organisational development plans. 

Accountable leadership

Building an inclusive workplace starts with transformational leadership that is unafraid to be accountable about the decision-making process. Leaders who can communicate transparently about DEI strategy lead the charge in equitable growth.

Data-led DEI initiatives

Data and analytics are undoubtedly useful, but beyond its commercial potential, data will be leveraged to better understand workforces, track and measure DEI initiatives, recruit more equitably, and retain diverse pools of talent.

Your DEI experts

All of our DEI programmes are built from the cutting-edge knowledge and practical tools developed by our RSM experts. Made up of renowned academic researchers and industry leaders from around the world, RSM's experts have a diverse range of specialist knowledge in areas such as women in leadership, diverse workforces and positive business transformation. Below are just a few of our experts in DEI.

Prof. Hannake Takkenberg

Prof. Hanneke Takkenberg is Professor of Management Education focusing on Women in Business at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) and Executive Director of Erasmus Centre for Women and Organisations (ECWO). Hanneke’s work is broadly focused on empowering and connecting women to drive their individual careers forward, as well as achieving gender equality globally through advocacy and world leading research. 

Prof. Barbara Banda

Barbara Banda is highly skilled coach for senior leaders and a specialist in leadership development, business strategy and organisational change. She has led large-scale strategic change projects for multinationals, government departments and non-profits, and her doctoral research focused on the importance of connecting management education to the workplace. Barbara holds five degrees, including a PhD from the University of Oxford, and is a published author. 

Prof. Michael Page

Michael Page is professor of finance and management at Bentley University in the USA, and an extraordinary professor at Stellenbosch University Business School in South Africa. His expertise is in management education, and in finance. His 35-year academic career includes commercial consulting and leadership, and all aspects of business school life. He has held several strategic leadership and management positions.

Prof. Wiley Davi

Wiley Davi is Professor of English and Media Studies at Bentley University, and visiting faculty at RSM. Her teaching and research interests span the fields of writing, diversity, gender studies, leadership, and service-learning. She is co-author of the book Leading with Uncommon Sense and has published articles and delivered international conference presentations on the intersections of race, gender, leadership and teaching. 

Dr Stephanie Mitrano

Dr Stephanie Mitrano is a specialist in executive coaching and entrepreneurial mentoring, accompanying leading organisations in their cultural transformation to support innovation.
She has coached entrepreneurs and senior executives of multinationals such as BP, Virgin Atlantic and Accenture, and worked on the engineering of intrapreneurial mentoring programmes to help organisatons with team alignment, transformation and business agility. 

Dr Karen Stephenson

Karen Stephenson is classically trained as an anthropologist at Harvard University. Karen has been hailed in Business 2.0 magazine as ‘the organization woman’ and named as one of only four women in Random House’s Guide to Management Gurus. Her innovative research on the workplace and the corporate office was featured by Malcolm Gladwell in The New Yorker magazine. She is a pioneer in the field of social network theory and an expert on network management. 

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Marcos Siqueira

Key Account Manager

Sandra Koopmans

Key Account Manager

Sharlene Bell

Key Account Manager