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The starting point of SNS Bank’s learning journey

As an ambitious and socially-conscious bank in the Netherlands, SNS Bank was faced with a challenge: stick to its promises of putting people first, and at the same time maintain sustainable growth. How can it further shape its mission, and harness the power of its core team and inner key supporters? How can SNS Bank integrate the inner development goals (IDGs) framework into its organisation, and connect its organisational practice to this framework? SNS Bank needed direction from experts to kickstart the process of incorporating this framework into its mission. 

To solve this, RSM Executive Education entered the picture, and co-created with SNS Bank a customised one-day programme to introduce the framework to its employees in a science-based, playful energising way.

The right expertise

RSM is already involved with the IDG initiative as an academic partner, explains Prof. Dirk van Dierendonck, professor of human resource management at RSM. “The IDG framework links directly to RSM’s expertise in personal development and in helping employees to flourish.” 

Sebastiaan de Kroon, SNS Bank’s strategic advisor for social impact said: “It's great that we were able to co-create the programme design in collaboration with RSM. We chose RSM because, despite the relatively short existence of the Inner Development Goals, RSM has already built authority on the topic. From this position of knowledge and expertise they deservedly claim this authority, both nationally and internationally.

A people-first programme

Based on SNS Bank’s wishes to leverage expertise on leadership and the IDGs, RSM co-created a programme taught by three RSM experts: Dirk van Dierendonck, Eva Rood, and senior research associate Stella Pfisterer. Prof. Dierendonck explains “We developed a new programme, specifically targeting the SNS Bank’s request and using elements from other RSM programmes to make a full day of lectures, exercises, working in small groups and self-reflection.” 

What made this programme so unique, and particularly of value to SNS Bank, was the way in which it used playful practice to deliver a serious briefing on elements in the IDG framework for the SNS Bank team. The programme also built in enough time for the bank to critically reflect on its suitability for application within the bank, and how it fitted with the bank’s strategy.

Sebastiaan de Kroon, reflecting on the success of the programme, notes: “The IDGs help us think about social impact from SNS Bank and the implementation of ‘people first’, then the money. Ideally, we will discover in the near future how the IDG framework forms a firmer basis for our actions as SNS Bank to contribute as much as possible to positive change and to promote growth opportunities for a better Netherlands.

Above all else, what sticks with Sebastiaan and his colleagues at SNS Bank is the positive learning experience at RSM. “My colleagues and I found the programme very valuable.”

RSM provides tailored learning solutions for organisations to create real impact. Equip your people with the skills to spark positive change. Find out more about RSM’s customised executive education programmes.

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Marcos Siqueira

Key Account Manager

Sandra Koopmans

Key Account Manager

Sharlene Bell

Key Account Manager