Rotterdam school of Management, Erasmus University compact logo


This case focuses on the analysis that companies have to do before introducing a new product or service to a specific market. In particular, ALLSAFE, a self-storage company, currently is facing the strategic decision to develop an app. The main concept the case wants to discuss is how companies make strategic decisions for investment in product development, in order to achieve a specific strategic positioning in the market using competitive advantages. While trying to find an answer to the case, the students familiarize with and concretely discuss different concepts they face in the theory of Organization and Strategy.

Citation Note

Based on field research; X pages

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1. Familiarize students with the relevant strategic considerations that companies face when evaluating whether to expand to a new market(type). 2. Familiarize students with the concepts of industry analysis and specifically the five-forces framework. 3. Familiarize students with the metric that evaluates a strategic decision by creating a payoff matrix based on conditional five-forces analysis. 4. Familiarize students with the concepts of the vertical boundaries of the firm and specifically the make-or-buy decision.

Case Study