Rotterdam school of Management, Erasmus University compact logo


The Centraal Museum Utrecht presents the municipality’s historic object collection where socio-cultural exchanges come to light. Ninke Bloemberg, curator of fashion and costumes, has been presented with an opportunity to present a temporary exhibition that showcases the city’s history in a global context. This teaching case provides insight into how to present collection items within a temporary location considering limitations of space and maintenance while being inclusive of contemporary stakeholders.

Citation Note

Based on field research; 9 pages

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1. Understand the challenges a museum faces when planning an exhibition in a space that is not ideally set up to display historical objects from their archive. 2. Brainstorm how to plan a showcase under specific conditions and contexts that resonates with the local creative community and the general public. 3. Think about how to involve partner organisations with an exhibition that is mutually beneficial. 4. Analyse multiple challenges and decide which trade-offs to make in order to set up the most viable and successful exhibition for the CMU and its goals.

Case Study