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Rotterdam School of Management (RSM)’s Case Development Centre (CDC) is organizing a case writing workshop to help academics and practitioners develop teaching cases. The workshop will give you the confidence and equip you with the basic skills to create your own cases effectively. After the workshop, you will have the option to attend an “individual case clinic” which will serve as a coaching session, helping you refine your drafts into final products that can be used in classes or submitted for publication.

This workshop will be facilitated by Tao Yue (Managing Editor) and Adrienn Toth (Senior Case Writer) at the RSM CDC. Over the last decade, the CDC has produced around 200 teaching cases covering various areas of business management and other social science disciplines. Some of the cases produced by the CDC have won international case writing competition prizes and have been adapted for publications such as the Harvard Business Review and the Financial Times. The CDC has held various case writing workshops for academics and students both at RSM and in other schools in Europe and Asia.

Time and Location

Workshop: 25 May 2023, 9:30-12:30

Location: Mandeville (T) Building, Room 7-67, 3062 PA Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Individual case clinic (optional): flexible, upon appointment

To Register

Please email your full name and work affiliation to before 5 May 2023 and indicate whether you wish to sign up for only the workshop or both the workshop and the case clinic.


The course is free of charge for RSM employees and discounted by 40% for employees at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, Leiden University, and Delft University of Technology.

Participants from other institutions are charged the full course fee of €400 p.p. for the workshop and €500 p.p. for the individual case clinic.


Before the Workshop

CDC will send you reading materials on case writing, so you can become familiar with the basics and think about which idea you would like to turn into a case.

During the Workshop

During the workshop, we will cover two modules:

Module 1: The Essentials of Case Development

You will gain knowledge of:

  • the differences between a research case, business case, and teaching case,
  • the various ways to present a case (traditional case, mini case, multimedia case, etc.)
  • the “market” and trends for cases, and
  • the essentials of a case and teaching note.

You will also actively:

  • develop the “focus” of your own cases, and
  • create the learning objectives of your cases.

Module 2: The Structure and Content of a Case

You will gain knowledge of:

  • data collection and selection,
  • collaborating with the case company,
  • interview and desk research techniques,
  • case and teaching note structures,
  • case writing style and conventions, and
  • case usage and release.

You will also actively develop your own:

  • case synopsis, and
  • case and teaching note outlines.

In both modules, you will have the opportunity to:

  • receive practical tips on the case writing process, and
  • discuss your case ideas and other questions with the tutors and fellow participants.

After the Workshop

You will further develop your cases and teaching notes on your own. You can also sign up for the RSM CDC individual case clinic and use customized support from CDC.

Optional: Individual Case Clinic

If you have completed the draft version of your case and teaching note, you can send the draft to CDC for written feedback and book a one-on-one session with a tutor to talk about your work.

The tutor will provide two rounds of written feedback on the submitted drafts and a one-on-one feedback session of approximately 30 minutes.

Once your work is finalized, you can submit it to CDC to be included in the RSM case collection and published on other international case distribution platforms. CDC will take care of the language polishing, layout design, and publishing process.

Case Development Centre