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Shivani Shetty

International Full time MBA, Class of 2017

Shivani Shetty, MBA graduate

A clear path ahead

"While studying the MBA at RSM, I decided to use RSM MentorMe and what I gained from it was something invaluable. I got to speak with mentors who strive to help their mentees understand what they want from their career. They help you introspect and understand where you derive your energy from, what area of work fulfils you, what is the ideal role you wish to pursue and help you set your career priorities right and focus your energy on working towards that goal. This process truly allows you to have clarity from the start and helps you avoid making wrong career choices, especially when you are at the crossroads of your career."

Career advice based on real-life career experiences

“Having spoken to mentors from diverse backgrounds, experiences and industries, the insights I got from them not only strengthened my own understanding of the job expectations, the industries and the responsibilities of a job function, but also gave me the advantage of deciding whether that was what I really wanted to pursue as a career option. Additionally, mentors took the time to understand the job area I wanted to pursue and gave me advice on potential roles that I could take up given my background, and on how I could prepare myself for such roles in the future. I also got specific advice on exactly what industries I should target for the kind of roles I am looking to pursue. This mentor gave me specific examples from his own past projects and experiences and the kind of work those roles demanded. This gave me a clear picture of what my role in the future would look like.”

True value of mentorship

“Most consultations I have had with Mentors have always extended well beyond the scheduled thirty minute conversation as these discussions were genuine and done with an intent to truly guide someone through their career path. Having worked with diverse projects and people, mentors are the best place to go for inputs and for a network they can help you tap into. RSM MentorMe as a platform has allowed me to analyze my career path objectively, assess my strengths and shown me a way to link my past work experiences, my strengths and my career goals.”

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