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Kristy van Iwaarden

MSc Marketing Management, 2017-2018

Kristy van Iwaarden

The answer to a lot of questions

My first experience with RSM MentorMe was already during my Bachelors. As a Business Administration student, I specialized myself in several subjects of business. This makes the way to the career market easy on the one hand, but also quite a rough task on the other hand. Although, the first step for me to make was to decide what Master to choose, and where. As I was not sure what exactly to expect in certain fields, I was looking for a tool to help me out and to give me more insights. RSM MentorMe proved to be a successful platform to get me those answers.

Getting to know myself by talking to others

Having consultations with Mentors via RSM MentorMe was very helpful for me to choose the right Master programme. By talking to alumni from several RSM Master programmes, working in very different industries, I got to know myself a little better and came to the conclusion that a Master in Marketing Management would be a good fit for me.

Because of the consultations I had, I even created a more specific interest in work industries as well. In my case, I talked to alumni currently employed in the travel and fashion industry. Both subjects that I always liked, but never considered working in before. Now that I know more about the kind of positions in these fields, and the differences between companies in this industry, my motivation to work hard and to finish my Masters successfully, is higher than ever before. As a matter of fact, I now have a clearer view of what I am working towards and that is a very effective driver.

Creating my own career path

RSM MentorMe gave me the opportunity to think about my own future in such a personal and honest way, that the dream job I never knew I had, now starts to form a realistic goal to eventually reach. Knowing how other, former RSM students, have grown into the jobs they currently practice, gives me this extra push into laying out my very own career path.

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