Rotterdam school of Management, Erasmus University compact logo

Carina Bravo Plancarte

Recruitment manager BSc and MSc programmes

At RSM since: September 2011
Nationality: Mexican

Portrait of Carina Bravo Plancarte

Why did you choose to work at RSM?

“RSM is the perfect combination of being goal-oriented and also a place where you can care for the world. It’s not only about reaching goals for profit. RSM’s mission is to be a positive change, and I really like that. I can see this effort constantly. For example, there are often lectures about sustainability and hands-on activities such as vegan cooking workshops for staff and our yearly team activity was to fish plastic from the lake. I love marketing, and I’m proud to do this for one of the best business schools in the world. What’s better than doing the marketing of a really good ‘product’ that I truly believe in?”

What has been your highlight of working here so far?

“Through RSM I’ve met many internationally minded and smart people, including colleagues, high school counselors, and prospective students. I especially like working with a group of students that we call ‘RSM ambassadors’. They’re so interesting, proactive and smart. I’m still in touch with some of them after several years and one of them became one of my very best friends. People say that ‘friends’ are the ‘family you choose’ so I am grateful that this has happened through RSM.”

Where did you work before, and how does RSM compare to that?

“If I compare to other organisations of the same type I think RSM is very efficient. I get to do many diverse things, from conducting selection interviews to online marketing. There is never a dull moment. I also like that there is synergy within departments and wherever possible, we work with one another.”

In what ways are you a force for positive change?

“I don’t know if this would have happened if I didn’t work at RSM but I went from not cooking at all to cooking nutritious and environmentally friendly meals on a daily basis. My colleagues have inspired me to do so as well. I have also become very interested in responsible consumption and production in general. In Mexico there is little knowledge about all this so I try to pass this message along to my family and friends there too.”  

What opportunities have you had at RSM that could have only happened here?

“When I moved to Rotterdam to work at RSM, my husband wasn’t happy in his job. My new colleagues at RSM gave him a coaching session to find his ‘dream job’. He ended up completing a second master at RSM to have more opportunities. He graduated cum laude from RSM, and his studies and new network changed his life. Since then he has had jobs that he loves and is truly passionate about. So he is a proud RSM alumnus and I am a proud RSM staff member.”


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