The Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship department takes pride in its high-performance research culture. The organisation and its moves are central to our research, which examines such as organizational forms and governance, strategic innovation, strategic entrepreneurship, global strategy, and strategic decision-making.
The faculty combines rigor with relevance, publishing in all top tier journals of the field, such as the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management, Organization Science, and Strategic Management Journal. Faculty members also regularly serve as (Associate) Editors of top journals like Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Management, and Journal of Management Studies. We have an outstanding PhD program, which has a strong record of placements at peer institutions like INSEAD, HEC, Cambridge University (Judge), University of Warwick, University of South Carolina (Moore), Aalto University, and McGill University.
Focal areas
A combination of economic, political, and social forces gives rise to a wide range of organizational forms. Research in strategy, organization, and governance aims to explain and identify the mechanisms through which modern firms shape and align their organizational structures, governance and ownership with the strategies, resource dependencies, and business models through which they create and capture value. Research in our group is highly versatile, including projects investigating the re-emergence of craft organizations and state capitalism on the world stage, the competitive advantage and strategic resilience of business groups, owner-managed firms, family firms, and professional partnerships, and how active owners shape the strategies and the organizational and governance structures of listed firms across different national contexts. Our research often takes up a comparative perspective, involving both comparisons between different institutional contexts and comparisons between different organizational forms.
In today’s fast-paced environments, wealth creation demands proficiency in continuously identifying and generating new opportunities for growth. At the nexus of entrepreneurship and strategic management, research on strategic entrepreneurship is concerned with understanding how organizations link entrepreneurial behaviour and strategic advantage-seeking actions to create and capture wealth. The work in our group focuses on ambidexterity, corporate entrepreneurship, scaling up, and strategy implementation. Exemplary research addresses such aspects as: how organizations strengthen their core business while also developing new businesses that will define the future; how organizations become more entrepreneurial through the generation of new businesses within established systems and through strategic renewal; how some organizations can ignite rapid growth and scale up successfully by leveraging new technologies, establishing platforms, redefining boundaries, and developing new and scalable business models; and how new practices and technologies enable firms to implement strategies which focus on venturing into new businesses as well as strengthening their core.
New technologies and new business models reshape the way firms do business. This calls for new insights into how managers and entrepreneurs can best innovate and leverage knowledge to build competitive advantages for their firms. The field of strategy, knowledge, and innovation focuses on how managers and entrepreneurs build and renew the technological, social, and relational capital to shape such innovations. It addresses such issues as strategic renewal, innovation management, management innovation and the rise of new organizational forms, collaborative and open innovation, innovation ecosystems, and corporate venturing. Our group covers a wide range of topics in this area, such as: micro-foundations of absorptive capacity and dynamic capabilities that enable innovation; the origins of business model innovations; the implications of technological disruptions; the mechanisms of effective collaborations to achieve innovation by large incumbent firms and new ventures; and the governance and assessment of the impact of such collaborations.
The competitive landscape of firms is increasingly dynamic, diverse, and global. The field of global strategy aims to enrich our understanding of how internationally operating firms form and implement their strategies, and how firms shape, and are shaped by, their global context. It focuses on foreign-entry strategies in culturally, politically, and economically heterogeneous contexts, and ultimately on the determinants of success or failure in international arenas. Our group typically adopts an institutions-based perspective, which argues that international firms are constrained and enabled by widely diverse, durable rules of the game, as illustrated by the diverse societal expectations around competitive behaviour and sustainability performance. Exemplary research projects in our group include novel views on culture, cross-border knowledge transfer, strategic responses to institutional voids, influences of governments and other stakeholders on corporate environmental practices, cross-country and within-country variance in institutions, and international strategies of the largest companies, born-globals, and emerging-market multinationals.
Influential strategic and entrepreneurial decisions result from extraordinary human effort. Behavioural strategy and entrepreneurial behaviour inform us about the psychology behind these high-impact and complex decisions. It takes a micro-level perspective to understanding how managers and entrepreneurs create and sustain value for their organizations and stakeholders, enriching strategy and entrepreneurship theory through forefront research on human cognition, emotions, and social and innovative behaviour of entrepreneurs, executives, and their teams. Seminal research in the field comprises the behavioural theory of the firm and the upper echelons perspective, as well as pivotal work from cognitive and social psychology. Exemplary group projects explore: how top managers, boards, and shareholders embrace uncertainty; how gender affects entrepreneurial behaviour; how disinhibition (ADHD) fuels entrepreneurial orientation; how CEO personality drives firm decisions, behaviour, and outcomes; how emotion influences idea generation and exploitation; and how biases and heuristics impact strategic decisions.
Centres, Experts and Projects
SME faculty members develop high profile research that opens up new routes for business to keep renewing, innovating, and growing. Some notable Centres of Expertise and other projects associated with SME faculty:
Scientific Directors: Prof. Justin Jansen & Prof. Roy Thurik
A solid understanding of entrepreneurship has important implications for policy makers, managers and entrepreneurs. Researchers at the Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship Research are prominent in this field. They study entrepreneurship on two levels:
- the macro-level, investigating the economic causes and consequences of entrepreneurship at the industrial, regional or country level
- the micro-level, studying the individuals or firms
Scientific Directors: Prof. Dr. Hans van Oosterhout & Prof. Dr. Pursey Heugens
The Erasmus Centre for Family Business contributes to the development and long-term viability of family businesses around the world through the provision of research on family business, development of family business leaders, and outreach activities.
Turturea, R., Sauerwald, S., & Heugens, P. P. M. A. R. (2025). Forging agents of the state? How political institutions impact CEO compensation in state-owned enterprises. Journal of International Business Studies, Article 101113.
Sanders, M., & van de Vrande, V. (2025). The owner-market fit and responses to competing logics. Journal of Media Business Studies, 22(1), 21-49.
Minola, T., Hahn, D., Criaco, G., Pittino, D., & Visintin, F. (2025). Are non-economic goals and financial performance friends or foes in hybrid ventures? A duality perspective on academic spin-offs. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. Advance online publication.
Huurman, E. A., de Raaff, C. A. L., the PITS collaborative study group, van den Berg, R., Baart, S. J., Wijnhoven, B. P. L., Schouten, R., Furnée, E. J. B., Smeenk, R. M., & Toorenvliet, B. R. (2025). A nationwide snapshot study on outcomes one year after surgery for chronic pilonidal sinus disease. Colorectal Disease, 27(1), Article e17217.
Musa, SM. (2024). Making a Life on the Margins: An ethnographic account from Kutupalong. [Doctoral Thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam]. Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).
Müller, M. (2024). Strangers in a strange land: Essays on migrant entrepreneurs and managers. [Doctoral Thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam]. Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).
Kuijpers, R. (2024). The Effect of Shareholder Activism on Corporate Divestments. [Doctoral Thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam]. Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).
Duijsters, J. (2024). Change in inter-organizational relationship portfolios and social networks in the context of corporate venturing. [Doctoral Thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam]. Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).
Vugts, B. (Ed.), Holwerda, M. (Ed.), de Vries, S. (Ed.), van Raak, R., Adriaansen, R.-J., Boele, C., van de Bovenkamp, H., Gerritsen, H., Grim, R., Haandrikman, F., Icaza, R., Jones, L., Koot, R., Kruithof, F., van Leeuwen, P., Plaatsman, P., Platenkamp, C., van der Ploeg, E., Schelling, J., ... Vugts, B. (2024). The living library / De levende bibliotheek: Stories from the collections of the Erasmus University Library / Verhalen uit de collecties van de Erasmus Universiteitsbibliotheek. Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).
Baaij, M. (2024). Business skills for the 21st century. (1 ed.) Sage.
Viets, A., Sabel, C. A., & Leker, J. (2024). Interorganizational Relationships and Hybrid Organizations: Understanding Antecedents and Outcomes. In Academy of Management Proceedings
Brändle, L., Rönnert, A.-L., & Sabel, C. A. (2024). Mobility Maintenance: Intergenerational Social Mobility and Entrepreneurial Entry. In Academy of Management Proceedings
Varga, S., Jansen, J. J. P., Mom, T. J. M., & Cholakova, M. (2024). Collapsing or prospering: High-growth firms and business scaling in a turbulent world. In Strategy in a Turbulent Era (pp. 107-131). Edward Elgar Publishing.
van de Vrande, V., & Kuiper, C. (2024). How Corporate Venturing Adds Value to Open Innovation. In H. Chesbrough, J. West, W. Vanhaverbeke, & A. Radziwon (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Open Innovation (pp. 266-283). Oxford University Press.
Nadolska, A., & Welch, X. (2024). International acquisitions. In Encyclopedia of International Strategic Management (pp. 182-190). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Liu, Y., Xu, L., & Theodoraki, C. (Accepted/In press). Entrepreneurial ecosystems and digitalization. In F. T. Lohrke, & J. J. Cabral (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship and Digitalization Edward Elgar Publishing.
Zahra, S. A., Criaco, G., Petricevic , O., & Hashai , N. (2024). Conceptualizing international new ventures as the nexus of entrepreneurship and international business. Journal of International Business Studies, 55(8), 1048-1056.
Yoon, H., Tashman, P., Benischke, M., Doh, J. P., & Kim, N. (2024). Climate Impact, Institutional Context, and National Climate Change Adaptation IP Protection Rates. Journal of Business Venturing, 39(1), Article 106359.
Wu, Z., & Klingebiel, R. (2024). A Behavioral Theory of Leviathan Inc: State Firms’ Responses to Performance Shortfalls. Strategic Organization. Advance online publication.
Wu, Z., & Cao, W. (Accepted/In press). Competitive Dynamics in the Political Marketplace: How Donor Firms’ Political Wins Prompt Product-Market Peers to Appoint Politicians to Their Boards. Management Science.
Wu, Z., & Liu, S. (2024). Corporate Responses to Social Activism: A Review and Research Agenda. Journal of Management, 50(6), 2046-2072.
Wu, Z., Naldi, L., Wennberg, K., & Uman, T. (2024). Learning from Their Daughters: Family Exposure to Gender Disparity and Female Representation in Male-Led Ventures. Management Science, 70(2), 671-693.
Wiessner, Y. T., Giuliani, E., Wijen, F., & Doh, J. (2024). Towards a more comprehensive assessment of FDI’s societal impact. Journal of International Business Studies, 55(1), 50-70.
Wang, R., Heugens, P., & Wijen, F. (2024). Green by Affiliation? Ownership Identity and Environmental Management System Adoption in Chinese Business Groups. Journal of Management, 50(4), 1331-1360.
Van De Vrande, V., Subramanian, A. M., Lévesque, M., & Klopf, P. (2024). The interdependent influence of lobbying and intellectual capital on new drug development. Research Policy, 53(2), Article 104938.
Sanders, M., & van de Vrande, V. (2024). Value creation in interdependent digital and analogue markets. Journal of Media Business Studies, 21(2), 146-174.
Röell, C., Arndt, F., Benischke, M., & Piekkari, R. (2024). Doing Good for Political Gain: The Instrumental Use of the SDGs as Nonmarket Strategies. Journal of International Business Studies, 55(9), 1170-1189.
Reuer, J. J., Klijn, E., Devarakonda, S., & Olie, R. (2024). Veto rights in international joint ventures. Journal of International Business Studies, 55(7), 880–895. Advance online publication.
Olie, R., Klijn, E., & Reuer, J. J. (2024). Antecedents of Independent Directors on Joint Venture Boards. Organization Science, 35(4), 1552-1570.
Mount, M., Ertug, G., Kavusan, K., George, G., & Zou, T. (2024). Reeling in the Slack: An Integrative Review to Reinstate Slack as a Central Theoretical Construct for Management Research. The Academy of Management Annals, 18(2), 473-505.
Micheli, M. R., & Jansen, J. (2024). Goal orientation and business model innovation in dynamic environments: Evidence from the creative industries. Creativity and Innovation Management, 33(2), 197-212.
McGrath, P., & Nerkar, A. (2024). Capabilities in Conflict? The Fallacy of Sameness between Divestitures and Acquisitions and Its Ramifications for Firm Capability Development and Deployment. Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions, 101-122.
McGrath, P. (2024). Human resource management practices in corporate restructuring: a review and agenda for future research. Personnel Review.
Liu, W., & Heugens, P. P. M. A. R. (2024). Cross-sector collaborations in global supply chains as an opportunity structure: How NGOs promote corporate sustainability in China. Journal of International Business Studies, 55(4), 429-449.
Liu, Y., Maula, M., & Pinkham, B. C. (2024). Status Transfer across Borders: The Mediating Role of Common Partners in First Entry. Journal of Management Studies. Advance online publication.
Leroy, H., Claeys, J., Benischke, M., & Stam, D. (2024). Developing Purpose-Driven Leaders. Cutter business technology journal, 37(8), 8-15.
Klopf, P., Fortwengel, J., & Etter, M. (2024). Interdependent Formation of Symbolic and Regulatory Boundaries: The Discursive Contestation Around the Home-Sharing Category. Journal of Management, Article Advance online publication.
Hünermund, P., Louw, B., & Rönkkö, M. (2024). The choice of control variables in empirical management research: How causal diagrams can inform the decision. Leadership Quarterly, Article 101845. Advance online publication.
Hendriks, G., Slangen, A. H. L., & Heugens, P. P. M. A. R. (2024). Country portfolio diversity and firms’ portfolio adjustment decisions: A behavioral perspective. International Business Review, 33(4), Article 102280. Advance online publication.
Heeren, J., van de Vrande, V., Volberda, H., & de Waard, E. (2024). Closing the Innovation Performance Gap: Open Innovation in Military Bureaucracies. California Management Review, 66(3), 116-136.
Haans, R. F. J., & van Witteloostuijn, A. (2024). Does foreign language liberate or limit creativity? Three experiments on foreign language anxiety and use, and divergent and convergent thinking. International Business Review, 33(4), Article 102305. Advance online publication.
Haans, R. F. J., & Mertens, M. J. (2024). The Internet Never Forgets: A Four-Step Scraping Tutorial, Codebase, and Database for Longitudinal Organizational Website Data. Organizational Research Methods. Advance online publication.
Grillo, F., Wiegmann, P. M., de Vries, H. J., Bekkers, R., Tasselli, S., Yousefi, A., & van de Kaa, G. (Accepted/In press). Standardization: Research Trends, Current Debates, and Interdisciplinarity. Academy of Management Annals.
Friedmann, J. C., Lavie, D., & Rademaker, L. (2024). Does the Predator Become the Prey? Knowledge Spillover and Protection in Alliances. Journal of Management. Advance online publication.
Forsberg, P., & Hulsink, W. (2024). Footloose and fancy-free in FinTech? Internationalization strategies of born regional and born global firms in the European financial service sector. Journal of International Entrepreneurship. Advance online publication.
Dizdarevic, A., van de Vrande, V., & Jansen, J. (2024). When opposites attract: a review and synthesis of corporate-startup collaboration. Industry and Innovation, 31(5), 544-578.
Di Lorenzo, F., & Sabel, C. A. (2024). Corporate Venture Capital and Startup Outcomes: The Roles of Investment Timing and Multiple Corporate Investors. Industry and Innovation, 31(5), 638-665.
Darnihamedani, P., Block, J., & Jansen, J. (2024). Institutional reforms and entrepreneurial growth ambitions. International Small Business Journal, 42(7), 805-840.
Cuypers, I. R. P., Ertug, G., Noorderhaven, N. G., & Kavusan, K. (Accepted/In press). The distinctiveness effect: How cross-country dissimilarities influence governance decisions. Strategic Organization.
Criaco, G., & Naldi, L. (2024). A chip off the old block: Founders' prior experience and the geographic diversification of export sales in international new ventures. Journal of Business Venturing, 39(1), Article 106343.
Criaco, G., Hahn, D., Minola, T., & Pittino, D. (2024). The role of non-economic goals in academic spin-offs. The Journal of Technology Transfer. Advance online publication.
Chochoiek, N., Huber, L. R., & Sloof, R. (2024). Optimism and Overconfidence of Strategic Decision Makers-Comparing Entrepreneurs and Managers With Employees. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy. Advance online publication.
Benischke, M., & Bhaskarabhatla, A. (2024). Negative Incentives and Regulatory Capture: Noncompliance with Price Ceilings on Essential Medicines in India. Journal of Management Studies, 61(2), 336-374.
Benischke, M., Bhaskarabhatla, A., & Singh, R. (2024). The Effect of Incoming Board Interlocks With Public Firms on Private Firms’ Survival: Large-Scale Evidence From India. Journal of Management, 50(5), 1939-1971.
Andrei, A., Benischke, M., & Martin, G. (2024). Behavioral Agency and the Efficacy of Analysts as External Monitors: Examining the Moderating Role of CEO Personality. Strategic Management Journal, 45(1), 113-143.
Adarkwah, G. K., Dorobantu, S., Sabel, C. A., & Zilja, F. (2024). Geopolitical Volatility and Subsidiary Investments. Strategic Management Journal, 45(11), 2275-2306.
Bachelor Programmes
The department of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship contributes to the curriculum of both the Bachelor of Science in International Business Administration programme as well as the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (in Dutch “Bedrijfskunde”) programme. Our department provides courses in strategic management, business plan, entrepreneurship, and international business, among other courses.
Master Programmes
The Department of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship offers two full-time MSc programmes that are one-year, full-time programmes. The MSc in Strategic Management is for students who are interested in developing a detailed overview of business strategy, its analysis, formulation and implementation, and in becoming a senior organisational leader. The MSc in Strategic Entrepreneurship focuses on developing entrepreneurial skills that are necessary to succeed in the global market.
In addition, the department plays an active role in the Dutch, part-time MSc prgramme (Parttime Bedrijfskunde) that is focused on organizations and business processes, and in many executive programmes offered by RSM.
PhD in Management
Talented young researchers get the opportunity to do pioneering and innovative PhD research at ERIM, a top research institute in Europe. ERIM offers PhD candidates personal supervision by internationally acclaimed management researchers and excellent research facilities, including a state-of-the-art behavioural lab and advanced survey technology. In addition, a special support programme pays for research expenses like conference visits, international research visits, and data collection. All ERIM’s PhD students are paid a competitive salary and receive career development support. Read more about the PhD in Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship.
Patricia de Wilde - Mes
Sophie Noorlander - de Gouw
For more information on the activities and publications of the Department of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship, feel free to contact us:
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
Department of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship
Room T7-59
P.O. box 1738
3000 DR Rotterdam, THE NETHERLANDS
Visiting address:
Complex Woudestein
Mandeville (T) Building
Burgemeester Oudlaan 50
3062 PA Rotterdam, THE NETHERLANDS
Room T7-59
More contact details
If you are a PhD candidate and want to apply for a PhD position or if you have questions, you can contact us via email.